Sterngold ERA® Product Catalog_666116 T

Partial/ Overdenture

Sterngold | ERA® Attachment Systems

ERA ® Partial Denture Attachments The female component is either a plastic pattern, which is incorporated as part of a crown wax-pattern and cast in a hard alloy, or it is a machined steel part that can be cast into a crown. A metal female jig (which becomes part of your stone model) is available to hold the male in place for laboratory processing into the partial denture’s acrylic saddle. You have a choice of two male designs. The ERA ® -Reduced Vertical male (ERA®-RV) has 0.4mm of vertical resiliency and universal joint hinging. The ERA ® Micromale has the same resiliency and hinging, but needs 0.5mm less vertical space and has a diameter of almost 1.0mm less, making it the smallest extracoronal resilient attachment in the world. The ERA ® -RV and ERA ® Micro males also have a projection which contacts the abutment crown above the female eyelet. This resists vertical displacement of the partial denture’s distal extension saddle. Within the ERA ® -RV there are three female choices. The original female drops 0.3mm from its connection to the crown. Bone loss in the edentulous area could mean that there is a significant amount of space between the attachment and the tissue. Now you can place the female eyelet closer to the tissue with two offset females. The bottom of the ERA ® -RVOffset female 2.5 drops 2.5mm from its connection to the crown and the ERA ® -RVOffset 4.5 drops 4.5 mm. We made extensive use of state of the art product engineering software during the design and testing phases of these attachments to ensure that these females are as strong as the original. Within the Micro ERA ® there are two materials out of which the females are manufactured. The original female is a plastic pattern. In addition we offer a machined stainless steel female.



ERA ® -RV 4.5mm Offset

ERA ® Micro Partial Female

ERA ® Partial Female

ERA ® -RV 2.5mm Offset

ERA ® Micro DE Female SS (cast-to)

ERA ® Micro Partial Metal Jacket

ERA ® -RV Partial Metal Jacket

ERA ® Micro ERA ® -RV Partial Impression Copings

ERA ® Overdenture Attachments There are two female designs and two post diameters for root retained overdentures. The ERA ® Overdenture Attachment female is a plastic pattern that is incorporated into the wax-pattern for a post and root-cap coping. It is cast in a hard alloy. It comes in the original size and the Micro, which is 20% smaller. The Micro saves 0.5mm in height and almost 1 mm in width, with no loss of retention or longevity. The ERA ® Direct Placement Overdenture Attachment female is manufactured in surgical stainless steel and cemented into a root specially prepared to receive it. The standard size stainless steel females are made in a choice of two post diameters and four post angles to accommodate most patient’s needs. In addition, micro size females are available with the small diameter post and four post angles. It’s ideal to have the attachment parallel, however, the attachment will function normally up to 5° out of parallel with the case’s path of insertion. All ERA ® Direct Placement females are titanium nitride coated.

1. Micro and standard plastic patterns for the ERA ® Overdenture female. Stainless steel females for direct clinical placement. 2. Two post diameters, 1.3mm and 1.7mm. The titanium nitride coating extends onto the post to identify the larger version. 3. Angled posts: 0˚ (straight), 5˚, 11˚, and 17˚. 4. Alignment handles help you carry the female to the root and aid in evaluating the attachment’s angulation. 5. Specialized burs for root preparation: • Spade Drill for removing gutta percha. • Pilot Drill with depth reference ring for post preparation. • Countersink Bur for shaping the occlusal surface of the root to support the female. 6. Overdenture males. Used with both laboratory cast and prefabricated, stainless steel females.



















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