HI Select Agent Guide

Agent Guide | Hospital Indemnity Select


Situations Requiring a New Application • A new application is required if white-out or liquid paper has been used on the application, or a change was made to the application and not initialed by the applicant. • If the incorrect state-approved application was submitted. Only the most recent state- approved application will be accepted. If the status of the available application is in question, please call Sales & Marketing to confirm the application form number. • If client elects to pay premiums via bank draft, please ensure the bank draft authorization form is submitted along with the paper application. Upgrading Benefits An insured can request an upgrade in benefits, i.e., transitioning from a Day-1 Admission Benefit to a 6-Day Benefit plan. In order to process upgrades, the insured would need to submit a new application. Based on historical claims experience, we would either allow the new benefits, or decline. In the event of a decline, the insured could retain their existing benefits. Application Status For your convenience, you may access the Agent Resource Center at any time to verify the processing status of a submitted application. https://producer.manhattanlife.com/life/account/login.aspx Application Status Codes • Pending Review: In the process of being reviewed for processing • Pending Agent Appointment: Application processed, but pending agent appointment • Pending PHI: Pending telephone interview with applicant • Withdrawn: Application closed due to insufficient information or documentation • Declined: Not eligible for coverage • Postponed: Follow-up required, additional testing recommended, or diagnostic test results not received. • Approved, Pending Premium Draft: Application is processed and policy has been issued but the first bank draft has not yet been paid pending the upcoming bank draft date Amendments/Endorsements An Amendment and/or Endorsement to the application will be generated for the following reasons: • Any question left blank or answered incorrectly (as determined by a telephone interview). • An error or unclear answer for the plan selection and/or underwriting risk classification. • An error or unclear answer for the date of birth, sex, and/or address. • An error or unclear answer for the modal premium.

AGT-HIS 0125


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