Agent Guide | Hospital Indemnity Select
Health History The following information is a guide on how a few specific diagnoses and/or situations are handled. Arthritis - In any form: • Cannot be severe, debilitating, disabled or have surgery pending or recommended • Cannot be Psoriatic • Cannot require 2 or more medications or, require the use of steroids or immunosuppressants Asthma or Reactive Airway Disease: • Must be age 5 and above to be considered • No hospitalizations or ER visits in the last 24 months for breathing issues/asthma attacks • No oxygen use within the last 12 months • Cannot be Chronic • Cannot exceed BMI of 25 • More than one rescue inhaler within the last 24 months will be issued with an exclusion for Asthma or Reactive Airway Disease Cancer: • No treatment within the last 2 years for internal cancers • Cannot have more than 1 occurrence of cancer • Cannot have a history of Melanoma, Leukemia, Hodgkin’s or Non-Hodgkin’s Disease • Basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma with recommended surgery that has not been completed yet will be issued with an exclusion Diabetes: Juvenile onset or the use of Insulin requiring more than 50 units of insulin per day within the last 2 years will be declined for coverage. Applicants with a combination of high blood pressure, cholesterol and Type II Diabetes must be stable on their medications for a minimum of 6 months; this includes medication changes. In addition, they will be required to meet the following guidelines for consideration of coverage: • Cannot exceed 2 oral diabetic medications
• Cannot exceed 2 high blood pressure medications • Cannot exceed 1 high cholesterol medications • Cannot exceed average blood pressure reading of 140/90 • Cannot have a history of sleep apnea within the last 12 months
• Cannot have any complications related to diabetes **** See Complications of Diabetes Applicants with a history of Gestational Diabetes will be required to be symptom and treatment free for a minimum of 6 months **** Complications of Diabetes: Diabetic Neuropathy or Retinopathy, Erectile Dysfunction, Chronic Cystitis, Urinary Incontinence, Kidney Disease, Skin Ulcers, Amputations
AGT-HIS 0125
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