King's Business - 1945-04

APRIL, 1946



This Is thè message that by God’s grace'we will take to Japan as soon as He opens the way. Here in Amer­ ica we have been preaching Jesus as Lord without government > interfer­ ence, and, with the changed conditions in Japan, we shall be able to preach as freely there. Every report confirms the fact that as never before the peo­ ple are searching for the true God, and that now there are opportunities for the missionaries of which we never dreamed. Word From the Field I wish to share with you some ex­ tracts from recent letters which I have received from Japan: "Our little ones always ask us Why did Uncle Pietsch not come so long?’ Almost from the beginning of the landing of the U.S.A. soldiers, they thought surely one day you will come in by the door. We are all still alive. Since summer 1944, we evacuated with our six children to Karuizawa. Tokyo is a mass of ruins. Our little house got two bombs. Our little church at Honan-Suginami was completely de­ stroyed by fire . . . also your church at Nakano and your missionary home at Higashi-Nakano. The whole district is like a d e s e r t . . . only scattered stones and charcoal. The Lord is our hope and refuge.” “In Japan a new time has arrived —through the coming of a powerful army from the States. We are all very happy that this happened be­ cause now we have freedom to preach the Gospel as never before in Japa­ nese history. Peace came so suddenly that we were all very much surprised. Japan was so terribly destroyed that victory was impossible. Now Japan is very poor, no houses, very little food, terribly high, prices in black markets. I think it is the Lord’s will that we start our missionary work again very quickly. No one knows how long this opportunity will last.” “The whole work here among the Japanese is about the most thrilling thing I have ever experienced. For the servicemen, we have two weekly GI Gospel Hours which are Spirit- filled and productive of glory to the Lord Jesus. We have a building in Tokyo and I am teaching a Bible class of about 250 Japanese. The land has been laid waste and the people, are prostrate, but it is these conditions which make for spiritual harvest. If the fundamental forces of the Lord Jesus Christ don’t move in, Satan will;-, in fact, he has already made inroads.” Will you ask God what He would have you do for the evangelization of Japan in this most critical time of her existence as a nation? God forbid that any of us should sin in ceasing to pray; for her,

Rev, E. Harlan Fischer (Biola ’26) is the new director of Christian work at the Bible Institute. Prior to com­ ing to Biola, Mr. Fischer served three years as a chaplain in- the United States Navy. He saw action at Guam, Morotai, Leyte and Lingayen Gulf in the Philippines. Before entering the navy, Mr. Fischer held pastorates at the Bethany Baptist Church in Long Beach and the First Baptist Church in Hempstead, N. Y. The Bible Institute will offer an­ other Summer School course from June 17-July 26. Bulletins may be secured by writing to the Dean’s office, It is not too early to make arrangements to enter the Fall Term, which begins September 5. Due to lack of space, many may be turned away; do not delay if you believe it to be God’s will for you to attend Biola. The Helen Day Fuller scholarships for 1946 were awarded to Dwight Kin- man and Nancy Woolnough, Biola stu­ dents, outstanding in spirituality and scholarship. Dr. Chas. E. Fuller, of the Old-Fashioned Revival Hour, presents these s c h o l a r s h i p s annually in memory of his mother.

Mrs. Grace Roberts (Biola ’22) is now available for meetings in the South­ ern California area. She will speak on behalf of thè great spiritual need of China. Mrs. Roberts, with her husband, Dr. Charles A. Roberts, director of our Bible Institute in Ch i na , has spent a great n u m b e r of years in that country. Dr. Roberts r e t u r n e d to China nearly a year ago to super­ vise the reconstruction of the build­ ings of the Hunan Bible Institute, tute, capable of training 500 students at once, and which is owned and op­ erated by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dr. Roberts is now laying plans for the opening of the school. Letters are being received constantly from, him, as well as pictures showing the progress of the rebuilding. Highlighted by colored slides, this firsthand information pertaining to these and other rehabilitation efforts in China, will prove of interest to those who hear Mrs. Roberts. Churches and pastors who wish to engage Mrs. Roberts are invited to write or phone to the Extension De­ partment of the Bible Institute, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Phone MA. 1641.

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