APRIL, 1946
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An Interpretation of World Affairs in the Light of the Scriptures.
^ As scheduled, the National Fel lowship for Spiritual Awakening met for their first session in our nation’s capital on January 14-20. Some pre liminary details were accomplished in cluding the election of Rev. Abraham Vereide as President, and Mr. Charles P. Eisenmayer as Vice-President. The purpose of this fellowship is to arouse the leaders of our nation to the need of spiritual revival. This meeting was in a sense merely preparatory to the great campaign to be conducted April 12-19 in Washington, D. C. ♦ Some interesting experiments to determine the effect of nicotine on rats have been conducted by the Uni versity of California. It was found that nicotine poisoning deranged the sexual cycles of the female sufficient ly to reduce the birth rate to 30 per cent, and to increase the rat infant mortality in the first génération as much as 42 per cent. It looks as if, in rat infested areas, the answer to the problem of their extermination is to get the rats to adopt smoking. Of course, this presents a real problem in educating the rats to the “value” of this habit. On the other hand, what university professor is honest and brave enough to point out the like harmful effects to the human family? ♦ ^ The Veterans Administration has issued a special call for chaplains to serve the wounded and disabled serv icemen in many hospitals throughout our land. It is emphasized that the call is only for men who have special capacity for this work, which includes constant and systematic visits to the bedsides of the veterans under their care. The chaplain would also be ex pected to maintain contact with the families of the veterans. Surely, this is a fine opportunity for some godly men with the hearts of shepherds.
sued, while in the same period there were 33,267 filings for divorce, annul ment, or separate maintenance. The divorce rate then, in this county, has risen to almost 90 per cent. As a basis of comparison, we note that in 1919 the Bureau issued 9,300 certifi cates, and that there were less than 4,000 divorce suits filed. Various rea sons are advanced for this unprece dented increase in the divorce rate, many of which are the aftermath of war. But the real cause underlying all domestic tranquillity and compati bility is a basic recognition of God’s place in the home. This is the only safe insurance for happiness and suc cess in the marital enterprise. ♦ ^ A nation-wide survey conducted by the Department of Agriculture re veals that farm and small town listen ers above all others prefer programs featuring religious hymns and ser mons. News programs and discus sions of farm problems rate second in listener interest. Another revelation, uncovered by this survey, is that these same listeners like the “old-time” mu sic, rather than the blatant swing music, currently featured by most ra dio stations. As a result of this sur vey, the radio stations will be asked in planning their programs to heed these choices. ♦ According to the Latin American Evangelist, the publication in Spanish of the graded S u n d a y school lessons from the Gospel Light Press of Hollywood is p r o c e e d i n g on schedule. Already the first four man uals are ready to print and distribu tion is expected to be made within a very few months. This worthy proj ect was conceived and begun by Miss Lucille Allen, of Garden Grove,. Cali fornia, who was called to be with the Lord a short time ago. It is expected that these lessons will have a marked effect on the evangelization of Latin America.
^ The phenomenal “Y o u t h For Christ” m o v e m e n t continues to hold the interest of the youth of our land, and to take forward steps to reach the young people of other lands. On March 18, a party of five Youth for Christ leaders will fly from Chi cago to London on the first leg of a European tour which will include England,1 Scotland, Ireland, France, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Russia. The party will return in time for the spring council meeting of Youth for Christ, International, at Boston, Mass., May 7-12. We are happy to pass along a plea for earnest prayer from the executive committee of this organization a s k i n g God’s direction and blessing on this move ment. ♦ After being pestered, almost be yond endurance, by several score dele gations of various municipalities, the UNO Committee, in choosing a site for a world capita], is faced with the surprising situation of determined op position on the part of the residents in 42 square miles of southwestern Connecticut and New York’s suburban Westchester County, to using this site as the World’s Center. However, it is indicated that the decision of this Committee will go through, and the UNO Headquarters will be established there. That this noble effort to pre serve world peace will come to the same fate as the League of Nations, Geneva, we have no doubt. How long it will function, no one is able to say. But, according to the Word of God, the ultimate site for the permanent United Nations Organization will be Jerusalem, in the ancient land of Is rael, and from the Holy City will flow continuously rivers of living water to the thirsty nations. ♦ Statistics which cause us to be both ashamed and fearful, are those just released by the Los Angeles County Marriage License Bureau. In 1945, 37,090 licenses to wed were is
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