King's Business - 1945-04

Send far your fr e e copy o f this remarkable testi­ mony o f hatred turned to love. A JEW AND THE NAME of JESUS


"M y Word Shall Not Pass Aw ay "



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WRITE TODAY FOR FREE P R O S P E C T U S BY S T A N D A R D Daily Vacation Bible School is a crying need throughout America. Get the whole story from this Prospectus; what DVBS does, organization plan, cost, equipment, courses, teacher staff and training. This free Prospectus includes samples o f Stand­ ard’s True-to-the-Bible lessons for each grade, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, In­ termediate, and describes Standard’s sup­ plemental material. Get ready NOW for the vital task o f bringing Christian instruc­ tion to children this summer. Write today. The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati 3, Ohio

; STANDARD S LESSONS ; ARE TRUE-TO-THE-BIBLE □ u Make the divinely inspired and eternalWord B of God the sole basis for all your Sunday H school teaching. Use STANDARD’S lessons B and supplies, for they are Bible all the way . B No straddling, no questioning, no “isms”— B they teach Jesus as the only Begotten Son H of God. Undenominational, practical, help- B ful. Attractive colors on children’s helps. H Send for FREEProspectus of Closely Graded; B or samples of Uniform lessons and weekly B papers. State which is wanted. Mention your _ department. Address Desk 41 : The Standard Publishing Co. ^ ; 8th and Cutter .Streets, Cincinnati 3, Ohio i

m m n r t K m r r

u t t t k Hear, O Israel; Jehovah Our God, Jehovah is One!

WATCH the expiration date of your King's Business subscription given with the address on your copy. Paper is scarce; do not fail to renew promptly that you may not miss any issue.

Daniel Rose, Director Trustee, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Elder, Church of the Open Door

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a J e w i s h Department whose ministry deals with the preach­ ing of the Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this office go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in . visitation work, calling upon the Jewish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of stu­ dents hold regular street meetings in places where an audience con be se­ cured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p. m. in the Jower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meet­ ing is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to sup­ port this ministry by your prayers and gifts.


What a Little


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Maybe it merely supple­ ments irregular earnings. . . . Maybe it’s all there is to protect old age.

There are many situations which can be taken care of successfully by an American Bible Society Annuity Agree­ ment. It can be planned to provide for you, your husband or wife, a relative or friend. And when once it is arranged there is no further bother. No coupons

regardless of business conditions. Then too, there is great personal sat­ isfaction in helping extend the world­ wide ministry of the Bible. Let us send you a booklet entitled “A Gift That Lives!’ It tells you about the plan and how it works out.

PSA. 122:6 PHIL. 4:19

to clip .. . .Just accept the check which arrives at regular intervals. Such checks have been bringing com fort and peace of mind to thou­ sands. And for over 100 years , those checks have never failed ,

American Bible Society • Bible House, New York 22, N. Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-68 entitled “ A Gift That Lives!’

Address all communications to DAN IEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California

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