APRIL, 1946
Rev. I. P. Bruechert j)(5fc£ Your soul-winning suggestions, based upon your personal experience, are invited for this department. Only original, hitherto unpublished material, which may be edited, will be accepted. Send to author in care of the King’s Business.
• r\ 0 NOT wait to begin winning ^ souls until you feel that you know the answers to all of the ques tions you will be asked. If you do, you will never start! Take what you have, and use it, and God will in crease your stockpile. When asked to explain some point for which you do not have ready knowledge, admit frankly that you do hot know, but as sure the inquirer that there is an an swer in the Word of God. Tell him you will look it up and secure the in formation for him. And be sure to keep your promise! • One of the major rules for wrestling is for the wrestler to crouch low, close to the mat, so that his opponent can not sweep him off his feet. As a win ner of souls, stay humble beneath the Cross. When you are dealing with lost ones, remember that you are only a sinner, saved by the grace of God. There is no place for pride or arro gance in God’s service. Never scold those you are trying to win for the Saviour. Long ago wise Bunyan wrote: “He that is down need fear no fall.” • One night a good-looking, well- dressed, but s l i g h t l y intoxicated Scotchman stopped on the brightly- lighted corner to learn what “racket” the street preacher had. As I came up to join the workers, he said to me: “See that fellow who is preaching! He has good clothes, and a better crease in his trousers than mine. He doesn’t need money. What’s he out there for?” So because of his inter est in the personal appearance of my friend, we'were able to deal with him about his salvation. Another equally earnest s t r e e t preacher always appears in his soiled work clothes. Sometimes passers-by feel sorry for him add leave him money which he neither needs nor desires. Perhaps if he dressed a bit better, his listeners might more read ily take from him the spiritual bene fits he offers rather than trying to contribute to his financial needs. Don’t forget — the immaculate chef makes the restaurant more inviting! • If, as you go about your busi ness, you will wear some emblem or button in your lapel to show that you are a Christian, you will be able to confess Christ all day long, even if you do not have much opportunity
for talking about Him. You will find that non-Christians will be less likely in your presence to use profane lan guage, tell unsavory jokes, or ask you to join them in a drink, smoke or questionable deal. In addition, when one is looking for the help of a real Christian, he will know where to find one. More than that, these little crosses or other Christian insignia often provoke the question: “What is that organization you belong to?” It will give you a chance to explain that it is not to what, but to Whom! • Unpleasant breath and offensive body odor may nullify the otherwise good impression you might make upon one with whom you are deal ing. Why take such a risk when for a few cents you can buy helps in any drugstore, and when water and soap are so reasonable? • A man who had listened thought fully to a testimony s e r v i c e ap proached a worker after the meeting with the words, “I liked your testimony. It did not contain as much technical religious language as the others. So many times we who are not accustom ed to going to church do not know what people mean by such expressions as ‘saved,’ ‘my sins are washed away,’ ‘burdened for prayer,’ etc.” Let us remember that while the Christian vocabulary is so familiar to us, it is a foreign language to the unsaved. • There is the old story of a little girl who complained to her mother: “Mommy, my tummy aches!” “Well,” replied her mother sensibly, "it’s prob ably empty. Go and eat something.” That afternoon the minister called and when he stated that- his head ached, the child promptly explained: “It’s probably empty!’’ As soul winners, we are aware of the fact that everyone outside of Christ is a sinner. But it is also well for us to realize that every person is a little on the lonesome1side, too. Everyone has an ache in his heart, and the reason for it is that his heart is empty. Only the Lord Jesus Christ Himself can fill that void. Let us make '‘clear and plain” the message of Revelation 3:20: “Behold, I stand at the' door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
May I never fail to remember that because I love Him who hung “there” in agony for me, I shall one day walk with Him in glory, s t r o n g in His strength, and righteous in His purity. April 28 “When t h e y saw him, they wor shipped him” (Matt. 28:17). To see Him with the eye of faith is to worship Him. Lord Jesus, show us Thyself and it will satisfy us. There is no joy to be compared with the witness of the Holy Spirit in our hearts that we are His children. What deep soul gratification there is in the sure knowledge: He is mine, and I am His! In this quiet moment before the Throne of God, my heart, in humble adoration and wordless song, bows in worship. April 29 “After that John was put in prison, Jesus came” (Mark 1:14). Before you knew the Lord, you were in prison—the prison house of sin— o f which Satan is the keeper. Then Jesus came and broke the fetters and set you free. Now the prison keeper follows, seeking to ensnare you, to again place you, the child of God, in bondage. God says that whom the Son makes free, shall be free indeed. Let us exercise our freedom in Christ against Satan. April 30 “He went into the house of God” (Mark 2:26). We follow this example and go to the house of God because there we meet in fellowship with other believ ers, and with God. In fear, the heath en goes to a temple, there to bow be fore an idol. He has a longing in his h e a r t for blessing and peace. He comes away with the longing unsatis fied. The Christian goes to God’s house to meet Him there. He comes away with his soul satisfied.
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