King's Business - 1945-04

APRIL, $946


Greek Word Treasures Bernard Hamm, A.B., B.D. Luke 15:13:'”And there wasted his substance with riotous living." In a bit of papyri, a father com­ plains that his son is ruining him with his ‘‘riotous living.” This is the identical word used in reference to the prodigal son. That this was a common occurrence of that day and age is amply illustrated in classical Greek literature. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youths of Athens and making them disrespectful t o w a r d their parents. Strepsiades in Aristo­ phanes’ Clouds complains that his son is driving him into bankruptcy with his fast living. These are all graphic pictures of the spirit of sinful wantonness. Thank God, there is in Christ a Saviour of prodigals. Romans 1:18: "Men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." The words “hold the truth” in the Greek really mean “ s u p p r e s s the truth.” Anaxagoras uses the same ex­ pression in one situation where it has exactly this sense, namely, to oppress, or suppress. It is always dangerous to know truth and to hold it down in our minds and hearts. Truth believed and acted upon leads to more light; truth suppressed leads to deeper dark­ ness. Romans 7:8: "Sin, taking occasion." The word "occasion” refers to a place from which a m o v e m e n t or attack is made, a base of operation. So sin uses the law as the basis of operation by which to reveal in us our exceeding sinfulness. Romans 7:23: "Warring against the law of my mind" Is a v e r y g o o d , literal translation. The word “war­ ring” signifies “making a military ex­ pedition, taking to the field for com­ bat.” Galatians 3:1: "Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth." The expression “set forth” is found in the papyri to denote a public notice put up by a father i n f o r m i n g the creditors that he is no longer respon­ sible for the debts of an irresponsible son. It means, then, to be pasted up, “to be publicly placarded.” Before the eyes of this world the faithful evan­ gelist will thus placard Christ cruci­ fied. 2 Peter 1:5: "Add to your f a i t h virtue." “Virtue” was one of the favorite words of Socrates and Plato. But our English word “virtue” h a r d l y ex­ presses its full sense. It could better be rendered “excellency of character,” “fullness of personality,” or “nobility of life.” What Peter is emphasizing is that, after faith in the Person and work of Christ, there must appear the deep, rich fruits of the Spirit.

........................ ....................... ......... PEOPLE OF EUROPE

? /

Distressed, Displaced, Dispossessed!

400 Million unevangelizedI

233 Million Russians—mostly eager for the Gospel! 200 Million have never had a Biblel Countless orphans starving! Challenge you for an Easter blessing! Food, Clothing, Scriptures regularly dispatched; Gospel preached; orphans maintained by the RUSSIAN M ISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC. Dr. F. J. Miles, International Secretary 1844 W. Monroe St., Room 2 Chicago 12, III. “ FRIEND OF RUSSIANS” GIVES DETAILS— SAMPLE COPY FREE S panish C hristian M ission ~ P RAYING F E L L O W S H IP O F B E L IE V E R S V O R T H E M .m igTR Y IN jjBM N l Rev. Zacarias P. Carles, B.A., L.Th., S.C.T. Founder and Director North American Headquarters, 3 Hillsboro Ave.— Toronto 5, Canada • This evangelical and undenominational faith work is calling upon the whole Church of Christ to give the whole Gospel to the twenty-six mil­ lion neglected and superstitious people of SPAIN—country blessed by the Pope, ruled by the Priest, exploited by the Roman Church. • A new pamphlet “Is Spain a Christian Country?” is now available free of charge. Ask for it. • Your prayers and gifts will be greatly appreciated. • Write for any information, illustrated lectures on Spain, and litera­ ture on the Mission. • A copy of our monthly Prayer Letter will be sent free to you upon request. mÊÊÊÊÊÈÊÈÊË:mim

JULY 25 - 28 , 1946 ,


^ LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE . . • for Youth for Christ director—-Youth leaders— Missionaries— Pastors— Evangelists and returned chaplains» INSPIRATION . . • Dr. Charles E. Fuller — Dr. Oswald J. Smith and other. speakers. MAMMOTH OUTDOOR RALLY — Super Youth Roily — JULY 27tli REASONABLE RATES . . • $7.50 to $12.00 Includes room, meals. RE- ^ TURNED CHAPLAINS FREE. Accompany your reservation with $2.00 registration fee.


Have you read Dr. Talbot's Easter message on "Resurrection Assurances"? See Page 147.

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