King's Business - 1945-04

APRIL, 1946


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• What’s the answer? • Is there any real evidence that the Bible is inspired? • How can I be sure that my choice of a vocation will be the right one? • How may I obtain God’s guidance on specific problems? • What are the duties of a Christian young person in our modern society? • How can I know what amusements I should choose?

These are some oi the questions that naturally arise in the minds oi Christian youth today . . . and these are exactly the questions, along with many others, that are answered in the "Youth Triumph­ ant Course." In the th ree se ctio n s o f th is u n iqu e new co rre s p o n d e n ce Course, S. Maxwell Coder con­ siders three subjects o f vital in­ terest—the Word of God, the Will o f God, and the Work o f God. It’s geared to fit into your school schedule, too . . . you receive the lessons by mail and complete them at your own speed. But it’s important to get started now . . . just fill out the coupon below, and send it in, together with the course fee. Pastors and youth leaders will find this Youth Triumphant Course exceptionally good for class study. Half-price fee for ten or more enrollments.

Cover ‘ ‘The King’s Business has been an inspira­ tion to me, and has given me a greater love for Christian work. Some of the articles I read over more than once. The cover is beautifully pictured and colored, and adds richness to the.magazine. “ I have learned much from 'Dr. Talbot’s Question Box’." Omaha, Neb, Mrs. Emma Holliday Young People's Topics *T was deeply interested in the T. P. topics for February, particularly in ‘What do Jews Believe?’ and in ‘What Do Roman Catholics Believe?’ I always enjoy *Dr. Tal­ bot’s Question Box’, and the Devotional Readings.” Paterson, N. J. F. Dadley Junior King's Business “ It will be fine if you can continue to have the Junior King's Business on just one sheet of the magazine. It Is splendid to be able to cut out this page, and pass it on to a Junior; this does not hurt the magazine, and it, too, can be passed on.” Des Moines, la. Miss Kittle Bolton “ I was particularly interested In the Christmas story in the Junior King's Busi­ ness section. These are always good, and I like to keep them.” Wilmington* Del. Herbert B. Wood Bible Book of the Month “ My thanks for Dr. Hubbard’s Bible les­ son in your King's Business. I find it so helpful in studying the Word, and hope it will continue throughout every book in both the Old and New Testaments.” Po/tland, Ore. Mrs. H. V. Anderson “ I received the King's Business this morn­ ing, and must tell you that I greatly appre­ ciate the new department by Dr. Hubbard in the study of the books of the Bible. It will give us who are at home a great time of study all the year round, and will be a help in learning more of God’s Word.” Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. J. Kuhl Compliments “ Just a note to let you know that T enjoy your magazine more than any Christian magazine I have ever read.” Los Angeles, Calif. Don Lockyer "The January and February numbers of the King's Business came, and I have read and enjoyed every word. They are very helpful.” Riverside, Calif. Marlon F. Gerow “ I like the King’s Business more than ever. Keep up the good work.” South Gate, Calif. Wilhelm Dege Articles “ I especially like Vance Havner’s ser­ mons.” El Cerrito, Calif. Mrs. W. Hull “ I don’t want to fail to get each month's King’s Business. Most excellent articles by Hubbard, Hambrook, and Witmer. Con­ gratulations!” Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss M. L. Morse King's Business—Biota “ Every issue of the magazine gets more interesting and instructive. May our Sav­ iour’s name be exalted and all your read­ ers be established in the faith.” Fancy Prsrtrie, III. Mrs. J. P. King

Write for informa­ tion on other courses dealing with Bible Doctrine, Prophecy, Scripture Memoriz­ ing, Christian Evi­ dences and Teacher Training Methods.

Application for enrollment in YOUTH TRIUMPHANT COURSE


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