APRIL, 1946
(5:14, 15). The student will note the oft-repeated exhortation to “seek.” In 5:21-27, the unreality and insincerity of the people in connection with their worship were rebuked, and the coming captivity was definitely predicted. The general theme of chapter 6 is that judgment and punishment are to come upon the ungodly, self-indulgent nation. A careful study of 7:1-9;10 will re veal “the 5 visions” and their import. The main thought is apparently that of the inescapable judgment soon to fall upon Israel. In the closing verses (9:11-15), we have an example of the second phase of the prophet’s mission, namely, that of foretelling the glorious future for Israel. The Davidic kingdom is to be restored (cf. Acts 15:14-18), and Is rael will be re-established in their own land. That this latter prediction was not fulfilled at the time of the restora tion from the Babylonian captivity is evident from verse 15: “And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God.” The book of Amos contains many spiritual truths for the present day. Among these might be mentioned the fact that it is possible to be very re ligious while living in sin and self-in dulgence. It is a rebuke to the un reality and formalism which are all too common today. We are also reminded that added privileges mean added responsibilities. In the man Amos, we have an ex ample of how God can and does use very humble instruments (7:14, 15; cf. 1 Cor. 1:26-31). Amos is also an ex ample of great fidelity. He was faith ful to God and to the people to whom he was sent (7:10-17; cf. 1 Cor. 4:2). In this book is also seen the faith fulness of God. He is ‘true to His Word respecting punishment for sin, and we can count upon His faithful ness with respect to the glorious promises in connection with the fu ture, whether they refer to Israel as a nation, or to ourselves as individ uals. “Great is thy faithfulness” (Lam. 3:23).
Bible Book o f the Month (Continued from, Page 157) for their oppression of the poor and needy and for their self-indulgence (vs. 1-3). In verses 4 and 5, their idol atry was rebuked, and in verses 6-13, the prophet pointed out that past pun ishment had failed to bring them to repentance and that greater punish ment will be visited upon them. It is in this connection that he used the very familiar exhortation, “Prepare to meet thy God.” In the third address, (chs. 5 and 6) the prophet took up the lamentation over Israel because of the coming judgment (5:1-13), and then proceeded to give a series of calls to repentance , •a Daily Vacation Bible School Plan COMPLETE To the Last DETAIL
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