APRIL, 1946
WHAT GOD SAYS OF HIS WORD Its decisions are immutable. Isa. 8:20. Its doctrines are holy. Psa. 19.8. Its precepts are binding. Deut. 6:6. Its histories are true. Isa. 55:11. It has light to direct you. Psa. 119:105. It has food to nourish you. I Pet. 2:2. It has comfort to c h e e r you. Psa. 119:50.
Encouraging News from Bolivia Carl and Ellen Hoffman-Winter- steen ’20 are back in Cochabamba, and are rejoicing in the way the Christians have b e e n g r o w i n g in grace, and in the art of soul-winning. They participated in a baptismal ser vice held for a couple who were con verted just before they left on fur lough. Others asked for baptism also, but were deferred for further instruc tion. Their hearts rejoiced exceedingly as the Indians took charge of a com munion service, and e x h o r t e d the communicants to “ e x a m i n e your selves, and follow the Lord in holy walk.” Eldon ’38 and Mis. Johnson (Opal Sherier ’37) are waiting at their sta tion in Challapata for the arrival of necessary traveling papers, visas, etc., that they may start to the States on furlough. In the meantime they are happy and busy in the service of the King. Jock and Sally Hawthorne find the natives at Acacio indifferent to spir itual things, with little evidence that missionaries worked there about fif teen years ago. The whole town seems to be in slavery to drink and pagan rites, so they have been working in adjacent territory. Jack made a trip of several hundred miles by horse and mule, visiting isolated ranches and homes. He was rejoiced at open doors to preach the Gospel to some who had never heard, and at the revived in terest of others, who had heard the message in times past. As this issue goes to press, word has been received of the b i r t h of twins to Jack and Sally—Stephen Robert and Judith Yvonne, on Feb ruary 28. Arrie E. Rouintree '34, of Pocoata, tells of a man supposed to be dying, who sent his brother to bring her to his bedside. As soon as he saw Arrie, he began to weep and cried out: “The devils are pulling me into hell, help me.” She believes he found peace that night for he went to sleep; and while he is very old and feeble, she went back later and found him not only alive, but walking around, and want ing to sing and pray with her. At her station they have just concluded the celebration attendant upon All Saints’ Day, with accompanying pagan rites and drunkenness which they claim are performed for the souls of the dead, and not for themselves. Alice Foote ’32 of Cochabamba, has been visiting Arrie Rouintree and tells of their heaviness of heart as they to gether witnessed the slavery of souls to ancient customs. They plead our prayers for the light of the glorious Gospel to penetrate the dark corners of earth. Countless thousands of Bo livians are bound in chains of dark ness—precious souls for whom Christ died. Who will go2
Bom To Thomas B. and Mrs. Roth (May- belle Alsop), both of the class of ’39, a son, Timothy, Nov. ’45, in Orange, Calif. To Donald ’41 and- Mrs. Davis, a son, Elbert Bennett, Nov. 1, ’45 in Iquitos, Peru, South America. To Ben and Mrs. Flick (Evelyn Pound ’37) a son, Edward Franklin, Oct. ’45, in Antioch, Calif. To A. Herbert, B. Th. '44 and Mrs. Bess, a son, Paul Stephen, Feb. 13, ’46. To Roy and Mrs. Kraft (Jeannette Bushnell), both of the class of ’38, a son, James Andrew, Feb. 23, ’46, in Santa Cruz, Calif.
It is the traveler’s map Isa. 30:21. It is the pilgrim’s staff. Isa. 41:10. It is the soldier’s sword. Eph. 6:17. It is the pilot’s compass. John 16:13. ‘ It is the river of pleasure. Psa. 36:8. It is a mine of wealth. Psa. 19:10. It is a paradise of glory. I John 3:24. Giving Can Be Increased ! SECURITY MITE BOXES
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A thrilling campaign of evange lism and Scripture distribution for American servicemen in China and Chinese soldiers and students. Our February Quarterly, sent free on request, gives illustrated account of this great new missionary opportu nity. Two representatives are al ready at work in China cooperating with General Shang Chen, Director of Military Affairs. A million Chinese Gospels of John are now being prepared for free distribution. The first quarter of a million copies are now being printed. More will follow as funds are provided. A complimentary copy of this soul-winning Gospel in Chinese will be sent to any of our friends upon request.
Send con tribu tion s to THE POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE, Inc. National Headquartert
156 Filth Avenue
New York 10, N. Y.
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