Dr. Walter L. Wilson
MAY 5, 1946 MAKING MY VOCATION CHRISTIAN E phesians 4:1-16.
of Christ gives each man In his own vocation those gifts and graces which he particularly needs in his special sphere. We do not know how we can be best used of the Lord. We cannot discern the hearts of those about us. The Spirit knows these secrets, and therefore He enables each man to serve the Lord well in his own posi tion, and with the capacity that he possesses. Each believer should wait on the Lord for the special talents needed for the kind of life he lives. The Spirit of Christ will meet the need so that each person in any calling, if aChristian, will be able to say, “For to me to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21). 3. HOW THE CHRISTIAN GROWS REVEALS HOW HE LEARNS. Colos- sians 1:28. It is the will of God that each Chris tian should have an excellent develop ment for the glory of the Lord. Verse 12 in our lesson clearly indicates this. The Lord does not want us to remain children as described in verse 14 but rather to be God’s grown-ups of verse 15. This can only be brought about through s t u d y i n g the Scriptures, prayer, and the fellowship of God’s people. Children go to school to learn. The Christian should go to the Bible to learn. Children go to the dining room to eat. Christians s h o u l d feed on Christ, the Bread of Life, and on His Word. If the believer learns well and eats well, then he will develop for the Lord, no matter what occupation he may have or what his situation in life may be. 4. HOW THE CHRI STI AN AS SOCIATES WITH OTHERS REVEALS HIS DESIRES. Colossians 2:2. It is the purpose of God that each believer should be a blessing to others. This blessing is i m p a r t e d by the ministry given and example shown. In verse 16, we find .that no part of Christ’s body, the Church, is inde pendent of any other part. Each be liever has a ministry to give to others and a service to render to those whom
he meets. As each Christian follows his vocation faithfully, walks with God closely, loves his Lord dearly, studies the Bible carefully, he becomes a blessing to everyone he meets. Thus the clerk will be a blessing in the store, the conductor on the train, the milkman to his customers—this is God’s plan.
rpHE Christian, one who is saved by _ grace, will reveal his new life and his faith, no matter where or how he is employed. Those Who know the Lord the best live for His glory all day long whether as a physician, a lawyer, a stenographer, a school teacher, or a railroad engineer. The heart is filled with the Scriptures and the lips with God’s praise. As occasion permits, Wise counsel and helpful ministry will be given. Laymen may live just as much for God’s glory as the clergy, and they should. Every Christian should be a living advertisement for Christ. His walk and his talk reveal his relation ship to his Lord. For Those Who Have Topics 1. WHAT THE CHRISTIAN IS DE TERMINES THE EFFECT OF WHAT HE SAYS. Ephesians 5:8. The Christian is called to be humble, lowly, me e k , long •suffering] and peaceable. Unless these characteristics are manifested, his message will not be acceptable or effectual. These attri butes should be seen in the pulpit and in the pew. Sometimes those who have a good message from the lips leave an unsavory effect by their lives. Both what the Christian is and what he does should reveal the holy influence of the gracious Spirit of life. The truth of God sets one free from wrong think ing and the Son of God sets free from wrong living (John 8:32,• 36). The Spirit of God, the Word of God, and the people of God are the three blessed influences which are used to develop the character of the Christian, g 2. HOW THE CHRISTIAN ACTS RE- VEALS WHAT HE BELIEVES. 1 Corin thians 12 : 11 . It is evident that the grocer will not live like the college professor or the doctor like thl lawyer. The Spirit
M 1:3-6. fTHIS lesson contains God’s answer ■L to the present distress in the home life. There would be no divorce if Christ were loved and honored by both parties. There would be few delin quent children if the Word of God were honored in the home and in the school. God’s good Gospel is the only antidote, the only remedy, the only •preventive, for sin. There is no other panacea. Every Christian should seek to p r o m o t e the restoration of the Bible and the family altar to the home as a potent remedy which operates successfully. Let us make known the efficacy of this remedy to all young people in every gathering where it is possible, and among our friends as we mingle with them. For Those Who Have Topics 1. GOD'S PLAN IS THE BEST PLAN. Ephesians 5:25. One of the most beautiful scenes on earth is a happy home where love reigns, and the husband and wife care for each other’s welfare. God so ar ranged it in the beginning (Gen. 2:18). He planned that the wife should be a help and not a hindrance, and that the husband should be a blessing and not a beast. He gave to the human heart all those sweet graces of love, k i n d n e s s , helpfulness, forbearance, and thoughtfulness which make the home a vestibule to Heaven. The read ing of the Scriptums in the home, a t t h e w 19:3-6; 2 T i m o t h y
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