King's Business - 1945-04

, 179

APRIL, 1946

There should be a -plain line of demarcation between God’s people and those who are still in the devil’s realm. Saints are not like sinners. Thè un­ holy mixture of the Church and the world has resulted in deadening the influence of the Church and strength­ ening the influence of the world. The Church is to be in the world, but not of it. It should be like the sun shining in the garbage can or the snow falling on the barnyard. It is meant to bring blessing into a sinful sphere. The Church is to be a light in the midst of darkness. Its work is to draw God’s enemies to Him in contrition, to feed the saints of God on the Bread of Life, and to teach the people of God the way of life. 2. THE CHURCH IN SOCIETY. John 17:15. The evils of society are too well known to need discussion in this paragraph. The Church has the cure for them. The faithful teaching and preaching of the Word of God will remedy thè sins of cultural society, educational programs, and art enter­ prises. The preaching of the Gospel by the Church will eliminate the sins of the lower social strata—the gam­ blers, the c.ard players, the liquor in­ terests, the tobacco users, the theater goers and the lovers of the dance. The Church, by using the Word of God, will save from both kinds of sin, and will make lovely devoted Christians out of those who may be merely professors of religion and those who are openly unchurched. 3. THE CHURCH AND THE HOME. Deuteronomy 6:7. The Church and the home should be very closely related. The Church should have a prominent part in all home planning and activity. Of course, I am referring to the true Church of God in which the pastor and the mem­ bers are lovers of Christ Jesus, and the Word of God is being preached and practiced. The holiness of God’s presence in the "Church should have its blessed influence on holy actions in the home. The parents should teach the children the value of God’s Church and their need of its Scriptural teach­ ings. The parents should take the children to Sunday school, not send them. The parents and children should sit together in the church service. The pastor should have a message that is worth hearing by all members of the family. Thus the home itself becomes a miniature church. 4. THE CHURCH AND BUSINESS. John 17:9. God’s Church should be interested in God’s business, a$d not in the bush

tive, and helpful person. The husband will treat his wife like a queen, and she will treat him like a king. This brings sweet joy, lovely fellowship, and successful co-operation.

prayer together each day, and fellow­ ship between the husband and the wife in the Church are most con­ ducive to the happiness which should be expected and certainly is desired by all married people. 2 . GOD'S PRESENCE IS THE SWEETEST INFLUENCE. Psalm 119:2, 9. It is evident that the godly in­ fluence in Timothy’s home made him the godly man that he was and the blessing that he became. If that home had been filled with novels, card games, liquor, tobacco—the names of Timothy, his mother and grandmother would never have appeared in the Bible. The influence of that home would have wrecked the lives of all three; they would have been omitted from the Book of Life and would have remained unknown. Praying parents and a Bible-loving grand­ mother produced a splendid boy who was a credit to his generation and a great blessing to many. The savor of Clod’s presence produces a Heavenly perfume in the lives of those who come from godly homes. 3. GOD'S WORD IS THE SAFEST GUIDE. Psalm 119:11. Many books have been written on guidance in the home. Many minds have been occupied with remedies for broken homes. But none of these will produce in the heart of husband and wife the effect that is so much de­ sired. Men’s words have little power. God’s Word alone is effective. The reading of the Scripture carries with it a holy influence and the power to live a godly life. The Scriptures are the remedy for every malady in the home. In M a t t h e w 19:4, we have Christ’s statement about the Bible, and Paul referred to the Scriptures when mentioning Timothy’s training (1 Tim. 3:15). It is the Word of God that pro­ duces the life of God in the hearts of persons in the home. 4. GOD'S TRUTH IS THE MOST SECURE FOUNDATION. Ephesians 6:17. What the Word of God says about home life is a true presentation of God’s thoughts about a happy home. Nothing in the Scripture will lead to trouble in the home if both parties bow to it. Husbands are told to love their wives and they should. Wives are told to reverence their husbands and obey them and they should. This, of course, pre-supposes that the hus­ band will be worth reverencing and obeying, and that the wife will be a lovable person. If the swee,t graces of the Spirit are exhibited by each one, that person will be a lovable, attrac- ♦


A c t s 2:37-47. W HEN the Spirit of God is working in a community, there is social equity, liberal charity, a n d sweet unity. If the members of the Church were Spirit-filled, really saved by the Lord Jesus, and really devoted to His glory, every c o m m u n i t y problem would be settled. Labor and capital would enjoy h a p p y co-operation. Racial differences would be settled quickly, Debtors and creditors would enjoy mutual understanding. Police­ men would have little to do. Jails P*VAVA«y*gAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV*V*^ IT’S AN IDEA Rev. Carlton C. Buck Idea 1. For the May 5 meeting, have your minister tell of his own call to the ministry. If there is a missionary available, ask him for a similar testimony. Idea 2. Get the father or moth­ er of a real Christian home in your community to speak briefly on “The Essentials of a Chris­ tian Home” at your meeting on May 12. Idea 3. For the discussion of the May 19 topic, “Our Church and Our Community,” have the young people prepare a wall map of your community, mark­ ing plainly the location of the church and the area served by it Idea 4. For the last meeting in May, someone could give a re­ port on the impact made by the Church upon American life, men­ tioning the great festival days, hospitals, schools and other by­ products of Christianity. EAsa would be empty. The divorce courts would be idle. Heaven’s remedy for earth’s troubles is found in the preach­ ing and practicing of the Word of God in every part of the community. God’s message produces godliness; God’s Gospel produces goodness. For Those Who Have Topics 1. THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD.

John 17:16.

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