TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
ness of the world. God’s Church should not be filled with “ divine” bazaars, “heavenly” lunch counters, rummage sales, smokers and dances. Those en terprises belong to the world. The world knows not God or His ways. Worldly people in the Church inaugu rate worldly method's of operating it. The result is a l w a y s a dearth, a drought, and finally, a death to all things spiritual. Let the world run its affairs as it desires. Let the Church run its business according to the way of God and the will of God. Let the Church present to the world God’s words, God’s ways, God’s will, and God’s works. The world will thus be blessed and enriched by the ministry of the Church, not harmed by it. THE Church, if Spirit-led, will be in- terested in every form of ministfy that makes for the salvation of souls, warning to the lost, enlightenment for Christians, and the encourage ment of Christian fellowship. It is not the business of the Church to offer soap, soup, and sunshine—the social Gospel—instead of the Gospel of God’s grace which condemns sin and offers , Christ Jesus as God’s remedy for sin. Great foundations have been estab lished to combat sin, but Christ and the Bible are omitted from' their pro grams . Great plans and programs have been Inaugurated to help men, but the Word of God has been largely omitted. Only the Spirit of God using the Word of God can accomplish the will of God in helping our American way of life. 1. THE CHURCH AND DENOMINA TIONAL FELLOWSHIP. Acts 13:14. It was the custom of our Lord and of the disciples to go where the Word of God was honored and the truth of God was loved. They did not go to heathen temples but to the Jewish synagogues. Each true church founded on the Scriptures should have fellow ship with every other church that honors the Saviour and believes the Word. God’s Church should have no fellowship whatever with those so - called churches which teach and preach and practice doctrines that poison the soul, dishonor Christ, and deny the Bible. God’s fellowship is to be among God’s people. God’s Church is to have a heart big enough for all other believing groups, but is to be faithful in rejecting those who reject our Lord. Denominational dif ferences should never enter into the fellowship between t r u e orthodox, godly groups of Christians. ♦ MAY 26, 1946 OUR CHURCH AND AMERICAN LIFE L u k e 4:16-21
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