King's Business - 1945-04

APRIL, 1946


2. THE CHURCH AND POLITICS. Philippians 3:20. The citizenship of all Christians is in Heaven. The world’s politics and God’s Church have nothing in common except that the Church is still in the world and must be governed by the laws which politicians inaugurate. It is not a part of the business of the Church to run the politics of this evil world. The Church is to be saved from it (read carefully Gal. 1:4, also 1 John 2:15). It is not the work of the Church to try to clean up a pigpen or polish the railings of a sinking ship. The Church is to give the Gospel to our politicians and seek to lead them to Christ. Thus, the Church will bring a godly influence to bear upon that which is hostile to our Lord. 3. THE CHURCH AND PLEASURE. Psalm 36:8. The pleasures that satisfy God’s people in the Church should be, and are quite different from, those which Satan offers to his children in the world. Pleasures in the Church are those which should emanate from the knowledge of God and from activities of the new nature. The new life in Christ Jesus enjoys those things which are associated with Christ Jesus. The world enjoys the things which are invented for its pleasures—the things which keep people happy and satis­ fied in their lost" condition on the way to a lost eternity. There are per­ missible pleasures, games and sports which Christians i n d u l g e in for recreation, and which are not at all harmful to the soul if they are kept subservient to the Christian, and un­ mixed with worldliriess. There are other pastimes, however, which are always associated with evil, and these are to be avoided, as being injurious to the testimony of our Lord. 4. THE CHURCH AND THE LODGE. Psalm 50:5. The Church is a gathering of God’s saints for godly purposes and precious Christian fellowship. The lodge, how­ ever, is a gathering of anybody who wishes to join, and exists for benev­ olent purposes and a fellowship in which the Lord Jesus and His Gospel has little, if any, place. The Church is a Heaven-ordained institution for Heavenly purposes. The lodge is a human institution formed for human purposes. The Church calls for much of the Christian’s time, and a portion of his funds. The lodge calls for much of its members’ time and a portion of their money. The Church is for the glory of God and the good of man, while the lodge purports to be wholly for' the good of man. The Christian who wants to see sinners saved and the saints edified, will not have time or inclination for the lodge. He will not have money to invest in that which is so evidently not of God and does not lead to God,


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