A P R IL , 1946
LESSON FOR MAY 12 Learning to Live Together LESSON MATERIAL: Matt. 18:15-17, 21, 22; Mark 10:35-37, 41-45. GOLDEN TEXT: “ By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, If ye have love one to another” (John 13:35). Outline and Exposition I. . Because many offences are commit ted unfittingly, a personal interview is frequently all that is needed to set tle disagreements. It is wise therefore to be sure that the offender is aware of his fault before he is reproved. If a personal interview is insufficient, one or two other persons are to be taken along and the matter discussed in their presence. If the offender re mains unmoved by them, the assembly is to be tfeld of the affair, and, if its voice is disregarded, the offender is to be treated as a publican, or as one not saved, needing regeneration by the Holy Spirit. As to the extent of forgiveness, Je sus says there is no limit. The one who confesses the fault is to be treat ed each time as if it were the first offence, forgiveness being granted without reference to former offences. The principle is based upon Christ’s forgiveness (Col. 3:13). However nu merous the offences, and however often forgiveness is sought, “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous ness” (1 John 1:7). So it is to be with His disciples. II. S ettling A mbitions (M ark 10:35-37, 41-45) James and John were attempting to get a sort of blank check from Jesus for future benefits. They were also trying to “put something over” the other absent disciples. Their greed for greatness trapped them. Bishop Hall says, “Pride is put on first and taken off last.”. Naturally, when the ten heard about this, they were “much displeased,” but it is evident from Jesus’ statement that the others too were desirous of first places. One’s own faults always look worse when seen in others. Jesus corrects them by giving them the two principles: the great of the world are served; the great of Heaven seek to serve; the great of earth seek to secure all they can; the great of Heaven seek to give all they can. He does not forbid the desire for great ness, only the wrong ambition to “lord (t over” others. Self-exaltation comes from Satan, self-denial is the rule of Jesus. It shoqld be remembered Jesus is not giving the Gospel here. En trance to the kingdom is by the new birth (John 3:3-5); position in the kingdom is the subject in this lesson. S ettling D isagreements (M att . 18:1547, 21, 22)
At last, these two disciples learned the lesson of love that Jesus had taught them. Later on, John wrote in one of his books in God’s Word, “Let us love one another” (1 John 4:7). After the Saviour had returned to Heaven, John went to these same peo ple, who had refused to receive the Lord Jesus, to tell them about Him. How easy it is for us to love people when they treat us kindly and do the things which please us! The Lord Jesus taught His friends that those who truly love Him will love all who are unkind to them and all who hate them. Boys and girls often feel that they must “get even” with those who wrong them. That is the cowardly and un-Christlike thing to do. The boy or girl who belongs to the Sav iour will have His courage to be big ger and braver than that. Perhaps some other child will want to know your Lord because you forgive him when he is mean to you, and keep on loving him. Ask your Lord each day to fill your heart with His love for others. Do not forget the Free Fund for King's Business subscriptions to be sent without charge to missionaries and servicemen still located overseas.
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