TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
For the Children T h o m a s H e a r s t h e G o o d N e w s (J o h n 11:7, 8, 16; 20:26, 28, 29) MEMORY VERSE: "Be not afraid, only believe” (Mark 5:36). Because the Lord Jesus Christ said that He was the Son of God, some Jews living in the part of Palestine called Judaea tried to take His life by throw ing stones at Him. After He had left Judaea, Jesus heard that one of His dearest friends who lived there was sick. The Saviour said to His disci ples, "Let us go into Judaea again.” His disciples said unto Him, “The Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest thou thither again?” One of the disciples, Thomas, was sure that if Jesus returned to Judaea, He would be killed. Thomas said to the other disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die With him.” He did not believe that the Saviour could protect Himself from His enemies. But Jesus was not only kept from harm when He again entered Judaea, but He also raised from the dead His friend, Lazarus. After the Lord Jesus arose from the dead, some of the disciples told Thomas that they had seen Him. Thomas said that until he could put his fingers into the prints of the nails in the hands and feet of Jesus, and into the scar of the sword wound in His side, he would not believe that He Was alive. When the disciples were together, Jesus appeared to them and told Thomas to touch His hands and feet and side and to believe that He had risen from the dead, as He had promised to do. Of course, Thomas believed then, but Jesus told him that it would have made Him happier, if he had believed that He had risen without having to see for himself that Jesus had kept His promise. The Lord Jesus has given to Chris tians many wonderful promises. Often we read them, but do not really be lieve that they are true. We some times say, “Well, Twon’t believe that until I can see that it is true.” God’s Word says, “Be not afraid, only be lieve” (Mark 5:36). O u t God will never fail to keep His word to those who trust in Him. Let us bring joy to the heart of the Saviour by believing and putting into practice every word in His Book. A B I B L E S C H O O L F O R T H E O R I E N T FEBIAS, the proposed Far Eastern Bible Institute and Seminary (Interdenomina- al) is a project of GI’s who sponsored the “ Youth lor Christ" and the “ G.I. Gospel Hour" in Manila. WILL YOU HELP Filipinos and others to secure sound Bible and Theological training? Pray—send gifts—write for literature and photographs to the Promotional Committee, 401 Pennsylvania Ave., Manila, P. I., or 196 Mounds Blvd., St. Paul 6» Minn.
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