TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Points and Problems 1. "But God said unto him. Thou fool'' (Luke 12:20). There are several words in the Greek language trans lated "fool” in the New Testament. The one before us literally means “one lacking in good sense,” or “ one who is heedless of true values.” A study of this passage in its connection with the parable of the rich fool makes it clear that God considers any man devoid of good sense who lives mainly for the things of this world. To the extent that any person puts the things of this world ahead of the things of God, he is living foolishly. Men need to relate their lives to God, not to things. 2. "He was very sorrowful" (Luke 18:24). This young man wanted Christ, but he wanted his riches more. So, when faced with the choice of laying aside that which was keeping him from full discipleship, he turned his back upon Christ instead of giving Him his heart. In the Scriptural ac count, the last view we have of him is as he was going down the road with his face toward the passing riches of this world, and his back toward all that was really worth while and abid ing. Faced in this direction, man al ways comes to sorrow. 3. "The things which are impossi ble with men are possible with God" (Luke 18:27). No man can shrink him- ’ self into the proper size to go through the eye of a needle—rich man, poor man, or any other kind of man. It is a physical impossibility. So in the spiritual realm, it is im possible for any man, especially a man surrounded by riches, of him self to enter into the kingdom of God. But “with God” all men, even the rich, may enter. Impossibilities become possibilities when the soul becomes linked up with God. This fact is beau tifully illustrated by Zacchaeus who, though rich, was saved (Luke 19:2-9). For the Children F inding a N ew F riend ■ (L uke 19:1-8) MEMORY VERSE: “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise” (Luke 6:31). Have you ever watched a parade? Sometimes boys and girls cannot see because those standing in front of them are too tall or too large. Maybe, in order to see well, you have had to push through the crowd until you were in front of everyone else. When the Lord Jesus was upon the earth,' wherever He went crowds of people gathered to see Him and to hear Him speak. One day the Saviour was passing through the town of Jer icho, where lived a wealthy man named Zacchaeus. He was a sinner hated by many people. When Zac chaeus heard that Jesus was coming to his town, he hurried to get a look
at Him, but he was too short to see above the crowd. Quickly he thought of another way: Down the road Zac chaeus noticed a sycamore tree. Run ning ahead of the crowd, he climbed up into the tree where he had a per fect view. When Jesus came down the road by the tree, instead of passing by, He stopped, looked up at Zacchae us, and said, “Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at -thy house.” Zacchaeus quickly came down and joyfully re ceived the Lord into his home. Many of the people complained because Je sus had gone into the house of a sin ner, but Jesus had only gone there to help Zacchaeus become a Christian. . Because the Saviour had shown love for the sinner, the sinner became His friend. Zacchaeus was so changed in his heart that he told the Lord that if he had dishonestly taken anything from anyone, he would pay back four times as much as he had taken. Zacchaeus needed a friend who really loved him. Perhaps you may be that sort of friend to someone whom you know. Is there a boy of girl in your neighborhood or in your ''schoolroom whom others hate and treat unkindly? If you will treat him kindly, and t e l l him about your Saviour, he, too, may find the dearest of all friends, the Lord Jesus Christ. i S ' C O W N S Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog" and samples on request. State your need and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 112« S . 4th S t., G reen v ille, U l. SPREAUTHE GOSPEL U g h i in yom% COMMUNlty! Use. this monthly- imprinted with name or I ] Sunday School or Youth Groups to every home. Distribute regu larly... results will amaze you; TH E DOORSTEP EVANGEL ^ DR. W ILLARD M . ALDRICH, Editor P . O . BOX 1 -B Vancouver, Wash P R O P H E C Y MONTHLY handbook of W o r l d Events in the light of God’s Word, with summary of the most' depend able prophetic thought, prepared by Research Staff of American Prophetic' League, Inc. Keith L. Brooks and Howard W. Kellogg, editors. For many years appreciated by. Bible teachers the world around because of its dynamic information, its sane pre sentation and c o n v i c t J o n-laden articles. $1 is the subscription price, and you’ll wonder why you didn't have it before. Address: P R O P H E C Y r Box BB, Eagle Rock Sta., Los Angeles 4 I, Calif. j4 ttten ica .'d 0?a w v iite T R A I T S W B O O K L E T S Famous for *heir typographical excellence and strik ing messages. Good News tracts and booklets are ac ceptable everywhere. Samples, prices on request. G o o d H e w s P u b l i s h e r s 322 West Washington t Chicago 6, Illinois A Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to the World wide Distribution of Christian Literature. CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. ERICK PETERSON FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING Phone VAndike 9483 730 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. Extend the testimony of your Church, OXFORD B IBLE S are made in so great a variety of styles and prices that there is one to suit every occasion and every purse At all booksellers O xf o r d U n iv er sity P ress , N . Y.
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