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(Continued from Page 166, Col. 1) the appellation, "Teacher,” which is given to Christ almost as frequently in the New Testament as the title, “Lord.” It may be difficult for us to get accustomed to the use of it, but we should, for it is Scriptural. It was the name given to Him by His most intimate friends, like those of Beth any. Martha said to Mary: “The Teacher is here and is calling for you” (John 11:28). On the other hand, there are .some passages that are not satisfactory and that certainly call for another re vision. I do not think anyone will be satisfied with the new rendering of John 14:2: “In my Father’s house are many rooms.” Nor will the new version of Luke 2:14 ever wean us away from the simple but sublime words of the Authorized Version, which seem to us more like what God would have had the angels say than: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased.” In making these favorable com ments on the new Revised Standard Version, I by no means imply that there is any likelihood that this ver sion or any other will replace the Authorized (King James) V e r s i o n Which is so firmly entrenched in the affections of English-speaking people everywhere. But that we have a ver sion that will throw great light upon the language and study of the New Testament, whether we are studying the English New Testament or the original Greek, there is no doubt. In the Revised Standard Version we have what might be called an excellent handmaid to the New Testament, dressed not in the archaic garb of the sixteenth century, but in the best of the twentieth century habiliments. A t te n d SUMMER SCHOOL — at— THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES — 6 Weeks — June 17 to July 26, 1946 especially for: • Pastors • Youth Leaders • Missionaries • All Christians COST— No Tuition Charge REGISTRATION FEE: For cred it—$10.00 for term; for auditing — $2.00 weekly (maximum— $ 6 . 00 ) ROOMS per month: Single— $19.00; double—$12.50 per per son. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California
(Continued from Page 166, Col. S) sion: The print is large and legible, the quality of the paper good, the format excellent. The separate verse arrangement has given way to a more logical paragraphing; all critical and reference material is printed at the bottom of the page to be consulted or not at the reader’s discretion; many obsolete words and expressions are rendered in their modern counter parts; some important textual prob lems are dealt with properly. Now for some general observations: The revisers did not tamper with the sections of Matthew and Luke deal ing with the virgin birth of Christ. They restored the Authorized rendi tion of 2 Tim. 3:16. They entitled the Hebrews’ epistle: “The Letter to the Hebrews” which is in keeping with the great uncial MSS., and therefore correct. I believe they should have left John 7:53-8:11 and Mark 16:9ff. in the text, with a footnote to explain the textual problem. I feel that they incorrectly punctuated Romans 9:5; Sanday and Headlam’s Commentary in the International Critical Commentary series supports the Authorized punctu ation. In Acts 20:28, the revisers are going contrary to the massive weight of Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vati- canus in substituting “Lord” for “ God.” They straightened out the tenses of Romans 6 which the Author ized had confused. In replacing “God” with “He” in 1 Timothy 3:16, they have the great MSS. in their fa vor. General appraisal: I think that for stateliness of English, beauty of ex pression, and strength of theological diction, the Authorized Version is still supreme, and that for accuracy, the English and American Revised Ver sions are best. However, for readabil ity, the new Revised Standard Version is superior. I would make the follow ing comparison: Beauty of language: 1. Authorized. 2. Revised Standard. 3. American Standard. Theological terminology: 1. Author ized. 2. American Standard. 3. Re vised Standard. Purity of text: 1. American Stand ard. 2. Revised Standard. 3. Author ized, Readability: 1. Revised Standard. 2. Authorized. 3. American Standard. Reliability (general): 1. Revised. 2. Revised Standard. 3. Authorized. The Revised Standard Version is certainly more reliable than the cur rent popular translations. It should take its place on the Bible student’s bookshelf as a handy and helpful volume.
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