Boards and Authorities Book

This book contains the names of entities, points of contact, descriptions, purpose, dates of establishment, membership and enacting Legislation information for all 67 Active Boards, Authorities, Commissions, Committees, and Task Forces.

Table of Contents

Administrative Committee of the Fulton County Defined Contribution

Airport West Community Improvement District (CID)

Animal Welfare Hearing Board

Atlanta Beltline Inc. Board of Directors

Atlanta-Fulton Water Resources Commission

Atlanta Regional Commission

Atlanta-Fulton County Recreation Authority (Stadium Authority)

Audit Committee

Beltline Affordable Housing Advisory Board

Beltline Tax Allocation District (TAD) Advisory Committee

Board of Ethics Board s of Equalization

Board of Health (Fulton County)

Board of Registration and Elections

Board of Trustees of the Fulton County Employee Retirement System

Building Authority of Fulton County

Commission on Disability Affairs

Commission on Elder Affairs

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Allocation Process Citizen Review Panel

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Regional Advisory Council

Department of Family and Children Services Board

Development Authority of Fulton County

Fulton-Atlanta Land Bank Authority

Fulton County 911 Advisory Board The Fulton County A rts Council

Fulton County Board of Tax Assessors

Fulton County Board of Zoning Appeals

Fulton County Citizens Commission on the Environment

Fulton County Code Enforcement Board

Fulton County Community Zoning Board

Fulton County Facilities Corporation

Fulton County HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Policy Advisory Committee

Fulton County Homeless Continuum of Care (COC) Fulton Perimeter Community Improvement District

Fulton County Reparations Task Force

Fulton County Urban Redevelopment Agency (FCURA)

Fulton County Veterans Empowerment Commission, INC.

Fulton County Youth Commission

Fulton-Dekalb Hospital Authority D/B/A Grady Health System

Fulton Industrial Community Improvement District (CID)

Grievance Review Committee Hospital Authority of Fulton County (Northside) Housing Authority of Fulton County Invest Atlanta (Atlanta’s Development Authority) Library Board of Trustees McPherson Implementing Local Redevelopment Authority (MILRA)

Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) N orth Fulton Community Improvement (CID) Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Public Facility Naming Advisory Board

Region III Emergency Medical Services Council

Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly Authority of Fulton County

5 2 Active Boards






B ack to T able of C ontents



Board Established by:

Description: Fulton County established the Fulton County Defined Contribution Plan (the "DC Plan") effective July 1, 1999 (#99-0857/6-16-99), which DC Plan provides certain retirement benefits for Fulton County officers and employees; and the existing DC Plan (Article IX, Section 9.1) provided that the DC Plan Administrative Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members who were appointed by and served at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners, with the initial Administrative Committee to be comprised of the Chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners or his designee, the Fulton County Finance Director, and the Fulton County Manager. On January 5, 2022 the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted a Resolution (#22-0005) changing the composition of Positions 6, 7, and 8 of the DC Plan Administrative Committee to allow Position 7 to be either an active or former employee of the County. At the July 10, 2024 First Regular Meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance (#24-0488) amending Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide procedures for District and Full Board appointments to the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia, to provide that all appointees serve at the pleasure of either the nominating Commissioner for District appointments or the Board of Commissioners for Full Board appointments. Membership/Appointment: Membership to this committee is as follows: Chairman of the Fulton County BOC or his/her designee (Position 1); two (2) members of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners other than the Chairman, who shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners (Positions 2 & 3); County Manager or his/her designee (Position 4); Finance Director (Position 5); two (2) active employees of Fulton County (Positions 6 & 8); one (1) active or former employee of Fulton County (Position 7) and a member of the public who is a resident and taxpayer of Fulton County and not an active or retired public employee or the holder of any public office (Position 9). HISTORIC INFORMATION: The BOC shall appoint initial holders of Positions 2 & 3 as soon as practical following adoption of this resolution, and those initial holders shall serve until the January 2009 regular meeting of the BOC or until their successors are appointed by the BOC. The members holding positions 4 & 5 shall continue to serve as long as they hold the applicable office. Members serving in Positions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 shall prepare a list of one or more individuals meeting the qualifications for Positions 6, 7, 8, and 9 and shall present that list to the BOC. The BOC shall appoint the initial holder of Position 6 for an initial term ending 12/31/08; the initial holder of Position 7 for an initial term ending 12/31/09; the initial holder of Position 8 for an initial term ending 12/31/10; and the initial holder of Position 9 for an initial term ending 12/31/11. No person holding Positions 6, 7, or 8 shall be disqualified from holding said position by reason of not being an active participant in the DC Plan until such time as that person's employment with Fulton County shall be finally terminated and all legal appeals from such termination shall have been exhausted or the time for making such appeals shall have expired. If any vacancy shall occur in Positions 6, 7, 8, or 9 by reason of the death, resignation, or disqualification of any individual holding any such position, then the remaining members of the Administrative Committee shall prepare a list of one or more individuals meeting the qualifications for that position and shall present that list to the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners shall then appoint an individual from that list to serve the balance of the unexpired term.


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Members of the Administrative Committee shall hold office for a term of four (4) years or until their successors have been duly qualified and appointed. Positions 2 & 3 shall be appointed by the BOC at its regular January meeting or as soon as practical. Such members shall hold office for a term of one year.




Meetings: Quarterly

Ryan Avery, Pension Administrator Department of Finance 141 Pryor Street, 7th Floor Atlanta, GA 30303 404-612-7672





Vice Chair Khadijah Abdur-Rahman

Position 1 (Chair/Designee) Chairman Robert L. Pitts



141 Pryor Street, S.W.


GA 30303

(H): 404-612-8222

(Fax): (W):

Dick Anderson

Position 4 (County Manager)


141 Pryor St. SW

10th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-612-8335

Don May

Position 8 (Employee) Commissioner Liz Hausmann



141 Pryor Street, SW


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-612-0056

Gina Rude

Position 9 (Resident)



. .


GA .

(H): 678-657-5664

(Fax): (W):

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Jaunius Simokaitis

Position 6 (Employee) Full Board Appointments



435 Postwood Dr.

Fayetteville GA 30215

(H): 404 388-8373

(Fax): (W):

Commissioner Bridget Thorne

Position 2 (Commissioner) Chairman Robert L. Pitts



1195 Seale Drive


GA 30

(H): 404-216-3568

(Fax): (W):

Dr. Kim Turner

Position 7 (Retiree/Peace Officer)



2710 Piney Wood Drive

East Point

GA 30344


(Fax): (W):

Sharon Whitmore

Position 5 (Chief Financial Officer)


141 Pryor St. SW

7th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-612-7385

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Board Established by:

Description: This Board was established by the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County by a Resolution (#14-0330) on May 21, 2014, pursuant to an Act of the Legislature, 1987 Ga. L. 5460, as amended, by the Georgia General Assembly entitled the (Fulton County Community Improvement Districts Act). This Board was established to create a CID to be known as the Airport West Community Improvement District (CID) for the provision of the following governmental services and facilities: 1) Street and road construction and maintenance, including curbs, sidewalks, street lights, and devices to control the flow of traffic on streets and roads; 2) Public Transportation, including but not limited to, services intended to reduce the volume of traffic or to transport two or more persons in common vehicles or conveyances; 3) Stormwater and sewage collection and disposal systems; 4) Development, storage, treatment, purification and distribution of water; 5) Parks and recreation areas and facilities; 6) Terminal and dock facilities and parking facilities; and 7) Such other services and facilities as may be provided for by general law Membership/Appointment: Each district created pursuant to the Fulton County Community Improvement District Act, as amended, shall be administered by a board composed of a minimum of seven members to be appointed and elected as provided in this section. If more than 50 percent of the land area of the district is located within unincorporated Fulton County, two board members shall be appointed by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, one board member shall be appointed by the governing authority of each municipality within which any portion of the district lies, and the remaining board members shall be elected by the owners of real property within the district subject to taxes, fees, and assessments levied by the board. If less than 50 percent of the land area of the district is located within unincorporated Fulton County, one board member shall be appointed by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, one board member shall be appointed by the governing authority of each municipality within which any portion of the district lies, and the remaining board members shall be elected by the owners of real property within the district subject to taxes, fees, and assessments levied by the board. The board shall be seven in number plus one member appointed by the governing authority of each municipality as provided above. A caucus of electors, as defined in the Act, shall be held within 60 days after the adoption of the Airport West CID Resolution, within the District, for the purpose of electing the District Board members pursuant to the Act. Registration shall begin at 9:00 o'clock a.m. and conclude at 9:30 o'clock a.m. No person arriving to the registration table after 9:30 o'clock a.m. shall be permitted to vote. Notice of said caucus and registration times shall be given to the electors by publishing notice in the Fulton County Daily Report, the legal organ of Fulton County, and by U. S. Mail to the address of each elector as indicated in the property tax rolls. Term: The appointed board members shall serve at the pleasure of the governing body which appointed same, respectively. The initial elected board members shall serve for terms of office as follows: two shall serve for two years, and the remaining board members shall serve for four years. Thereafter, all terms of office of elected board members shall be for four years.





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Kyana Cannon Executive Administrative Assistant, ATL Airport Community Improvement Districts 3800 CAMP CREEK PKWY SW Building 1400, Suite 132 Atlanta, GA 30331 404-349-2211


Natalie Martin Chair, Airport West CID Duke Realty

3715 Davinci Court, Suite 300 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 770.638.2512

Gerald McDowell Executive Director 3800 Camp Creek Pkwy Bldg 1400, Suite 132 Atlanta, GA 30331 404-349-2211




Erin H. Harris





Marvin S. Arrington

623 Darlinton Commons Court, NE


GA 30305


(Fax): (W): 313-289-7743

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Board Established by:

Description: At the March 20, 2019 Recess Meeting, (Item # 19-0233) the Board of Commissioners, passed an Ordinance to amend and add to Article VI, Chapter 34, Division IV, Section 34-319 of the Fulton County Code of Ordinances, entitled Impoundment and Redemption, by amending the name of the Animal Control Hearing Board, (established on May 16, 1990, Item #90-RCM-421) to the Animal Welfare Hearing Board. Sec. 34-319. – “Animal Welfare Hearing Board”. The Fulton County Board of Commissioners hereby creates a board known as the Animal Welfare Hearing Board, to hold hearings provided for in [this] article. The board so designated is authorized and shall have jurisdiction to conduct hearings and determine matters provided for in this Code. No member of the Animal Control Hearing Board may participate in a hearing on any matter in which a member previously participated in the classification of the dog at issue. Fulton County Animal Control, as managed by LifeLine Animal Project, provides animal control services throughout the County; and vigilantly enforces its animal control ordinances, to include the classification of certain dangerous or vicious dogs, as determined by Fulton County Animal Control The Georgia Legislature requires that Fulton County maintain an Animal Control Hearing Board the purpose of said board is to render opinions involving dogs that have been declared dangerous or potentially dangerous by a Fulton County Animal Control Officer; The Animal Control Hearing Board is also tasked with studying animal related issues, making recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding ordinances related to and among Fulton County citizens, animal advocacy groups and organizations, among its other duties. At the July 10, 2024 First Regular Meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance (#24-0488) amending Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide procedures for District and Full Board appointments to the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia, to provide that all appointees serve at the pleasure of either the nominating Commissioner for District appointments or the Board of Commissioners for Full Board appointments. Membership/Appointment: The Animal Welfare Hearing Board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Each Commissioner shall appoint one (1) member to serve for two (2) years. Thereafter, all members may be appointed for an additional term of three (3) years and until their successors are appointed. Term: A Fulton County Commissioner shall nominate any qualified resident of Fulton County to serve as a member of the Animal Welfare Hearing Board and said nominee shall be appointed by a majority of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners. Each member of the Animal Welfare Hearing Board shall be required to attend a minimum of three board meetings per year.




Meetings: As Called

Vernon Sawyer, Division Chief (Animal Services) Emergency Management 130 Peachtree Street, Suite G-157 Atlanta, GA 30303


Joe Barasoain, Director Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency

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Office: 404.612.5660 Cell: 404.821.1200




Yoshina Colbert-Bradford

District 6 Commissioner Khadijah Abdur-Rahman



1760 Loch Lomond Trail SW


GA 30331

(H): 404-333-4815

(Fax): (W):

Laurel-Ann Dooley

District 4 Commissioner Natalie Hall



1081 Rosedale Drive


GA 30306

(H): 404-664-5256

(Fax): (W): 404-664-5256

Vivien Dumford

District 2 Commissioner Bob Ellis



325 Creekside Drive


GA 30076

(H): 678-951-7223

(Fax): (W):

Katie Factor

District 3 Commissioner Dana Barrett



964 Dekalb Ave NE, Unit 107


GA 30307


(Fax): (W): 404-626-1397

Pamela Harvey

District 5 Commissioner Marvin S. Arrington



4815 Miller Road


GA 30349

(H): 4049550951

(Fax): (W):

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Karen E Levy

District 7




Robert L. Pitts

- -



GA 00000

(H): -

(Fax): (W): 404-281-8702

Frances Webster

District 1 Commissioner Bridget Thorne



2088 Callaway Court NW


GA 30318

(H): 808-349-4026

(Fax): (W):

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Board Established by:

Description: The corporation is a voluntary association of individuals formed by the ADA, the purposes of which, as set forth in the articles of incorporation, are exclusively charitable within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and are intended to alleviate the burdens on and otherwise serve to advance the purposes of a governmental or public corporation. The corporation was organized, and at all times shall be operated, exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of ADA, acting solely in the capacity as "redevelopment agency" (as defined in the below described Redevelopment Powers Law) for the City of Atlanta (the "City"), with respect to the City of Atlanta Tax Allocation District Number Six - BeltLine (the "BeltLine TAD"); including, without limitation, the administrative, development and/or redevelopment activities with respect to the herein described BeltLine TAD, as and to the extent contemplated in the Atlanta BeltLine TAD Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") adopted by the City Council of the City on November 7, 2005 pursuant to Ordinance 05-0-1733 (the "BeltLine Ordinance"), as approved by the Mayor of the City on November 9, 2005, and as authorized in O.C.G.A. 5 36-44-1, et seq. (the "Redevelopment Powers Law"), as such Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Powers Law may be amended from time to time. Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. was organized under the laws of the State of Georgia as of July 12, 2006. The bylaws were adopted by resolution of the Board of Directors of the corporation, and became effective, as of July 12, 2006. Membership/Appointment: The following persons shall serve on the Board of Directors of the corporation: (a) the Mayor of the City of Atlanta (as a representative of ADA); (b) the Chair of the Community Development and Human Resources Committee of the Atlanta City Council (or its successor) (as a representative of ADA); (c) the President of ADA or a person with general business or legal experience (as a representative of ADA); (d) one (1) person with general business experience appointed by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors of ADA (as a representative of ADA); (e) one (1) community representative to be selected in a manner to be determined by the City Council of the City (which appointee shall in all cases be ratified by the Board of Directors of ADA); (f) two (2) members appointed by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors of Beltline Partnership, Inc.; (g) one (1) representative appointed by the Atlanta Board of Education; and (h) one (1) representative appointed by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners. Each director shall take office as of the effective date of his or her appointment and shall continue in office until his or her successor has been duly appointed or elected and has qualified or until his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, or removal, or, in the case of any elected official or positional appointee, until such person no longer holds the elected office or position entitling such person to membership on the corporation's Board of Directors. Term: The members of the Board of Directors appointed pursuant to Section 3.3(a), (b), (c), (g) and (h) above shall initially serve staggered terms of two (2) years and after the initial terms have expired, serve for a term of four (4) years (subject to the concurrent service requirements set forth herein).





Aasia Mustakeem, Vice President and General Counsel Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. 100 Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 2300 Atlanta, GA 30303 Office: 404-477-3690 Cell: 404-465-0724


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Commissioner Mo Ivory

Fulton County Chairman Robert L. Pitts



141 Pryor St

10th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W):

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Board Established by:

Description: This Commission was established by the Board of Commissioners at the Special Meeting, May 28, 1986, Item #25. The purpose of the joint venture is to develop plans for, acquire the necessary sites and governmental permits for and to construct and operate a water treatment plant and appurtenances in North Fulton County, Georgia, to serve the joint needs of Atlanta and Fulton County in assuring an adequate supply of potable water for the citizens of Atlanta and Fulton County. The water produced by the plant shall be delivered to the parties to this contract for their use. Additionally, the joint venture shall make investigations and coordinate additional joint planning and development for the efficient utilization of the water resources. Membership/Appointment: There shall be a management commission of the joint venture (the "commission"), which shall consist of (7) seven members, (3) three from Atlanta and (3) three from Fulton County, with each member having one vote. Membership shall include: the Mayor of Atlanta, the President of the City Council of Atlanta, and one councilmember appointed by the president of the city council and approved by the mayor; the Chairperson of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners and two commissioners selected by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners; and one person employed by neither Atlanta nor Fulton County who shall be known as the "independent member" of the commission. Said independent member shall be elected by vote of the other members to a term of two years, with the ability to serve successive terms, and shall at all times be a resident of Fulton County or forfeit membership. Officials of Atlanta and Fulton County who are members of the commission shall serve without compensation. Should any of the members representing the respective parties die, become disabled, resign or for any reason cease to be connected with the governmental entity which appointed him or her, the appointing party shall promptly, by written notice served upon the other party, name his or her successor. Upon the resignation or inability of the independent member to complete a term, the other members shall elect a new independent member to a full term. Term: Members remain on the Water Resources Commission until replaced, deceased, resign from their position, or their term of office expires. The independent member shall be elected to a term of two years, with the ability to serve successive terms, and shall at all times be a resident of Fulton County or forfeit membership.




Meetings: Quarterly

Kathy Crews, General Manager Atlanta-Fulton County Water Resources Commission 9750 Spruill Road Alpharetta, GA 30202 678-942-2790


770-664-1079 (fax)




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Vice Chairman Bob Ellis


Full Board


141 Pryor Street, SW

10th Floor Atlanta



(H): (W): 404-612-8216 (Fax):


Chairman Robb Pitts

Chair of the FC BOC

141 Pryor Street, SW 10th Floor Atlanta GA (H): (W): 404-613-9812 (Fax):



Commissioner Bridget Thorne



Robert L. Pitts/ Vice Chairman Ellis

1195 Seale Drive




(H): 404-216-3568 (W): (Fax):

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Board Established by:

Description: The ARC Board is comprised of 41 members, including County Commission Chairs, designated Mayors, and Citizen representatives, from the 11-county Atlanta region. A Georgia Department of Community Affairs representative also sits on the Board as a non-voting member. Board responsibilities include: setting agency policy; approving the annual budget and work plan; and approving regional planning initiatives. The board is comprised of elected officials and citizen members from the 11-county region (Fulton, Gwinnett, Cobb, DeKalb, Clayton, Cherokee, Henry, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, and Rockdale counties).


Term: *Current Term: Elected officials serve on the ARC concurrent with their term in public office. Citizen members serve four-year terms except for those first elected (or elected after redistricting), a majority shall serve an initial term of two years.


Stipend: $44.00 per meeting


Meetings: The ARC Board meets at 1:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and December. Please note that meeting times and places can sometimes change. Contact(s): Romona Jackson Jones Secretary Atlanta Regional Commission

40 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404-463-3100

Doug Hooker, Executive Director, 463-3111




Chairman Robb Pitts

Fulton Co., Chair/BOC


141 Pryor Street, SW

10th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-613-9812

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Board Established by:

Description: This public corporation and political subdivision of the State of Georgia, having been created by the General Assembly of Georgia, is named the CITY OF ATLANTA AND FULTON COUNTY RECREATION AUTHORITY (the "Authority"). Established by the City of Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation Authority Act (Ga. L. 1960, p. 2810), this Authority provides for the maintenance and operation of Turner Field Stadium, the New Hawks Arena, the Atlanta Zoo, and the John A. White Junior Golf Academy. Without limiting the generality of any provision of this article, the general purpose of the authority is declared to be that of acquiring, constructing, equipping, maintaining and operating an athletic stadium and athletic field and other related facilities for athletic, sporting, cultural, religious, political, musical, educational and other events, and other recreational purposes including, without limitation, refreshment stands and restaurants and facilities for the purveying of foods, beverages, publications, souvenirs, novelties and goods of all kinds, whether operated or purveyed directly, or indirectly through concessions, licenses, or leases or otherwise, and parking facilities and parking areas in connection therewith; for acquiring, constructing, equipping, maintaining and operating recreational centers and areas including, but not limited to, athletic fields, golf courses, public zoos or zoological parks, parking facilities or parking areas in connection therewith, clubhouses, gymnasiums and related buildings and the usual and convenient facilities appertaining to such undertakings; the extension and improvement of such facilities; acquiring the necessary property therefor, both real and personal, with the right to contract for the use of or to lease or sell any or all of such facilities, including real property, to any persons, firms or corporations, whether public or private; and to do any and all things deemed by the authority necessary, convenient and desirable for and incident to the efficient and proper development and operation of such types of undertakings. Membership/Appointment: This Authority consists of nine (9) members: three (3) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners and six (6) members appointed by the City of Atlanta. All vacancies in the membership of the authority, whether caused by expiration of term of office, death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the governing body of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, upon nomination of the chief executive officer and confirmation by the governing body of said city. Any member of the authority may be elected to succeed himself. All members, duly appointed, shall hold office until his or her successor shall be appointed and duly qualified. Any member, appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall serve only for the term of the member he or she replaced. The Authority elects its chairman and vice-chairman shall be elected at the annual meeting of the authority for a term of one year. It shall also elect a secretary and treasurer who does not necessarily have to be a member of the authority and, if not a member, he or she shall have no voting rights and shall be elected to serve for such term as may be determined by the authority. If a member of the authority is elected to serve as secretary and treasurer, he or she shall be elected in the same manner and for the same term as the chairman and vice- chairman. No member of the authority shall hold more than one office except that of secretary and treasurer. Five members of the authority eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the quorum is empowered to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the authority and no vacancy on the authority shall impair the right of the quorum to act. The members of the authority shall serve without compensation except that they shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The authority shall make rules and regulations for its own government. It shall have perpetual existence. (See Fulton County Code §Chapter 30-Sec.30-77.) Enacted and approved June 16, 1964, Any person appointed to membership on the Authority who is a public official of the City of Atlanta or Fulton County at the time of his appointment shall serve as a member of the Authority only so long as he remains a public official of the city or county government which originally appointed him.

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Term: All subsequent terms of office shall be for four (4) years. Any person appointed to membership on the Authority who is a public official of the City of Atlanta or Fulton County at the time of his appointment shall serve as a member of the Authority only so long as he remains a public official of the city or county government which originally appointed him. (State inacted/approved June 16, 1964-Law Number: No. 15 Origin: Senate Bill No. 14)




Meetings: As called

Vivienne C. Kerr, Executive Assistant Atlanta-Fulton County Recreation Authority 101 Marietta Street NW, Suite 1071 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404-522-1967, (Fax) 404-523-5638





Commissioner Bob Ellis

BOC member 1 Chairman Robert L. Pitts



141 Pryor Street, SW

10th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-612-8216

Commissioner Mo Ivory

BOC member 3 Commissioner Khadijah Abdur-Rahman



141 Pryor St

10th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W):

Chairman Robert L. Pitts

BOC member 2 Commissioner Lee Morris



141 Pryor Street, SW

10th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-613-9812

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Board Established by:

Description: The establishment of this committee was approved by the Board of Commissioners on August 6, 2014 (#14- 0297), pursuant to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated ("O.C.G.A.") Section 36-81-7 (a)(1), which states that the governing authority of each unit of local government having a population in excess of 1,500 persons according to the latest estimate of population by the United States Bureau of the Census or its successor agency or expenditures of $300,000.00 or more shall provide for and cause to be made an annual audit of the financial affairs and transactions of all funds and activities of the local government for each fiscal year of the local government. At the July 10, 2024 First Regular Meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance (#24-0488) amending Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide procedures for District and Full Board appointments to the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia, to provide that all appointees serve at the pleasure of either the nominating Commissioner for District appointments or the Board of Commissioners for Full Board appointments. Membership/Appointment: Pursuant to Resolution #15-0461, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on May 20, 2015, the appointment process for the Audit Committee consists of the following amendments to the Fulton County Code of Ordinances Section 2-231: The Initial Audit Committee shall be composed as follows: (1.) Five (5) voting members; (2.) The initial Committee members shall include two (2) members of the Board of Commissioners and three (3.) Citizens with expertise in the areas of accounting, auditing, internal control and local government operations; (3.) The citizen members will be appointed by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners. may not hold any elected office, may not be employed by the county, nor have any direct or indirect business relationship with the County; (4.) The citizen members will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners and may be removed at any time, with or without cause; (5.) The citizen members shall be paid a stipend of $250.00 for each meeting attended but in no event shall the total stipend for a year exceed $1,000.00; and Commissioners who serve as committee members will receive no compensation; and (6.) Members of the Committee shall select a Chairperson from among its members annually. Term: The initial Audit Committee shall serve for the calendar year 2015 and 2016; all subsequent terms will be for a period of 2 years. The citizen members will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners and may be removed at any time without cause.


Stipend: $250/meeting


Meetings: The Audit Committee shall meet as needed to perform its duties but shall not meet less than once quarterly. Contact(s): Shauna Herbert, Audit Manager Office of the County Auditor 141 Pryor Street | Atlanta, GA 30303 404-612-4585 (office) 678-525-0957 (cell)

Anthony Nicks, County Auditor Office of the County Auditor 141 Pryor Street, SW

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Suite 8052 Atlanta, GA 30303

404-612-1019/Fax: 404-893-1751




Commissioner Bob Ellis

BOC - Commissioner2



141 Pryor Street, SW

10th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-612-8216

Ambuj "AJ" Jain

BOC - Citizen2 Chairman Robert L. Pitts



- -


GA -

(H): 6782965031

(Fax): (W):

Robert Koncerak

BOC - Citizen3 Commissioner Bob Ellis



11960 North Hickory Trace

Alpharetta GA 30004


(Fax): (W): 770-312-2068

Chairman Robert L. Pitts

BOC - Commissioner1



141 Pryor Street, SW

10th Floor


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-613-9812

Jay Small

BOC - Citizen1 Commissioner Bob Ellis



13 Lochurst Lane


GA 30076

(H): 678-641-5880

(Fax): (W):

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B ack to T able of C ontents



Board Established by:

Description: The Atlanta Development Authority caused ABI to create, convene and support the BeltLine Tax Allocation District Affordable Housing Advisory Board ("the BAHAB"), which board shall be comprised of representatives from those organizations dedicated to the provision of affordable housing in the City of Atlanta, developers, residents and other such persons with interests in the design, location, development and maintenance of affordable housing units.This board shall make recommendations to Atlanta Development Authority (ADA) and the City of Atlanta on the goals and policies related to the use of the BeltLine Affordable Housing (BAH) Trust Fund, monitor the location and availability of affordable housing throughout the BeltLine, and coordinate the activities of the BAH Advisory Board with other affordable housing activities conducted throughout the City. Membership/Appointment: The BAHAB shall comprise not fewer than 12 and not more than 19 members. Appointed members must have demonstrable experience in one or more of the following areas: affordable housing finance; affordable housing construction; down-payment assistance; supportive housing; urban design and planning; green building; architecture with multi-family or mixed-use developments; real estate development; or real estate finance. To the extent possible, appointed board members should be residents of the City of Atlanta. The intial membership of the BAHAB shall comprise persons nominated and appointed as follows: Community- Based Organizations (3): AHAND together with ANDP shall be responsible for the appointment of (3) members; City Council Representation (3): Atlanta City Council shall be responsible for appointment of three (3) members, where such persons shall be appointed in the following manner: one (1) appointee each for Council Districts 1,2,3,4 and At-large District 1; (2) Council Districts 5,6,7,8, and At-large District 2; and (3) Council Districts 9,10,11,12 and At-large District 3. Mayor of the City of Atlanta (2): The Mayor shall be responsible for the appointment of two (2) members from the Mayor's Task Force on Affordable Housing. Altanta Public School Representation (6): Atlanta Public Schools shall be responsible for the appointment of six (6) members. Fulton County Board of Commissioners (5): Fulton County Board of Commissioners shall be responsible for the appointment of five (5) members. Term: All initial members shall serve for a term of two (2) years, with such term commencing upon Council approval. Thereafter, the BAHAB shall establish terms of office in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 3 herein, but such terms shall require the appointment process set forth above.




Meetings: Quarterly or as otherwise appropriate

Chelsea Arkin Senior Manager, Housing Policy & Development


Atlanta Beltline, Inc. Office: 404-477-3651




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Cora Dunston





Robb Pitts

199 14th Street, NE

Suite 3006


GA 30309

(H): 404-892-6600

(Fax): (W):

Erin Quinn Martin





Lee Morris

1735 Peachtree Street., Unit 423


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-713-0322

Bobbie Spiller




Robert L. Pitts

760 Aerial Way


GA 30312

(H): 404-748-5988

(Fax): (W):

Shalise Steele-Young





Natalie Hall

90 Griffin Street. NW


GA 30314

(H): 404-437-0724

(Fax): (W):

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B ack to T able of C ontents



Board Established by:

Description: The City of Atlanta created Tax Allocation District Number Six--BeltLine (the "BeltLine TAD") pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Powers Law (O.C.G.A. § 36-44-1 et seq.). Tax Allocation District Number Six -- BeltLine was created as of December 31, 2005, and shall continue in existence for twenty-five (25) years. All redevelopment costs, including financing costs and debt service on tax allocation bonds, shall be paid in full by December 31, 2030. The Advisory Committee's role shall include, but not be limited to, making recommendations to the Atlanta Development Authority (ADA) and the City of Atlanta on the issuance, allocation and distribution of tax allocation bond proceeds within the BeltLine Redevelopment Area and the effective and equitable implementation of the BeltLine Redevelopment Plan. The Committee shall develop and implement a "decision making support tool" designed to measure the impact of the BeltLine Project and ensure accountability for effective and equitable implementation of the project. Membership/Appointment: The Advisory Committee shall comprise not fewer than 42 members and not more than 45 members and shall comprise representatives from the Neighborhood Planning Units from each of the four quadrants, as well as other city residents or persons who represent organizations that operate within the City of Atlanta who have experience in the area of parks and trails planning and development; transit planning and development; finance and business; complex project management; affordable housing; urban planning; arts and culture; historic preservation; green building principles; or other subjects relevant to the BeltLine project. The initial membership shall comprise persons nominated and appointed as follows: a) Geographical Representation: Atlanta Planning Advisory Board is responsible for appointing 12 members; b) Technical Expertise Representation: Beltline Network is responsible for appointing 10 members; c)city Council Representation: Atlanta City Council is responsible for appointing 6 members; d) President of City Council is responsible for appointing 1 member; e) the Mayor of Atlanta is responsible for appointing 1 member; f) Atlanta Public Schools is responsible for appointing 2 members; and g) Fulton County Board of Commissioners is responsible for appointing 10 members. Term: All initial members shall serve for a term of two (2) years, with such term commencing upon approval of the Atlanta City Council. No member shall serve more that 3 consecutive 2 year terms. Member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed or until an earlier death, resignation, removal or incapacity. If a member shall be absent except for reason of illness or absence from the country for three (3) consecutive regular Advisory Committee meetings or four (4) Advisory Committee meetings during a calendar year, including regularly scheduled meetings and special meetings duly called and noticed.




Meetings: The Advisory Committee shall meet on at least a quarterly basis or as otherwise appropriate.

Nathan Soldat Director of Community Engagement


Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. 86 Pryor Street, SW #200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404-477-3552 (Office) 404-477-3006 (Fax)

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Retina Burton

DISTRICT 7 Chairman Robert L. Pitts



1600 Westwood Avenue, S.W.


GA 30310

(H): 404-344-4410

(Fax): (W):

Chris Copenhaver

DISTRICT 2 Commissioner Bob Ellis


116 Montgomery Ferry Drive


GA 30303


(Fax): (W): 404-893-0551

Angelyn A. Dionysatos

DISTRICT 3 Commissioner Lee Morris



66 Dunwoody Springs

Sandy Spring s

GA 30328


(Fax): (W): 678-938-5820

Natalie Horne

DISTRICT 1 Commissioner Liz Hausmann



973 Kirkwood Avenue, S.E.


GA 30316

(H): 770-656-3180

(Fax): (W):

Andrew P. Pressler

BOC AT-LARGE 2 Commissioner Lee Morris



4266 Roswell Road NE


GA 30342

(H): 770-823-0716

(Fax): (W):

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Shalise Steele-Young

DISTRICT 4 Commissioner Natalie Hall



90 Griffin Street. NW


GA 30314

(H): 404-437-0724

(Fax): (W):

Lamar Willis

DISTRICT 6 Commissioner Khadijah Abdur-Rahman



2292 Campground Road SW



GA 30331

(H): 404-229-6083 (Fax): - (W): -

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B ack to T able of C ontents



Board Established by:

Description: On January 5, 2011, the Code was amended by Resolution (Item #11-0029) stating that members for positions (1) through (6) shall be subject to final appointment by the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Ethics renders advisory opinions and hears complaints with respect to whether a particular course of conduct would constitute or has constituted violations of the standards imposed by the Fulton County Ethics Code. On February 4, 2004, the Board of Commissioners repealed the former Code of Ethics and enacted a new Code of Ethics, (Regular Meeting Item #03-1531). (Cross Reference 10/16/85, Item #12; 5/4/88, Item #1; 12/16/92, and Item #92-RM-579). On June 7, 2023, the Board of Commissioners amended Chapter 2, Article II, Division 2, Section 2-80 of the Fulton County Code of Laws by replacing the disbanded Fulton County Personnel Board with the South Fulton Chamber of Commerce (Regular Meeting Item #23-0385). At the July 10, 2024 First Regular Meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance (#24-0488) amending Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide procedures for District and Full Board appointments to the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia, to provide that all appointees serve at the pleasure of either the nominating Commissioner for District appointments or the Board of Commissioners for Full Board appointments. Membership/Appointment: Consists of seven (7) members, who have been residents of Fulton County for not less than three years preceding their selection; one (1) member to be appointed by the organizations listed in bold print below. One (1) member shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners. (See Fulton County Code of Laws, Section 2- 66 ET SEQ). The Board of Ethics shall consist of the following seven (7) members, who shall have been residents of Fulton County for not less than three years preceding their selection. The members for positions (1) through (6) shall be subject to final appointment by the Board of Commissioners: (1) One member to be nominated by the president of the Atlanta Bar Association from among the Association’s membership; (2) One member to be nominated by the president of the Gate City Bar Association from among the Association’s membership; (3) One member to be nominated by the president of the North Fulton Chamber of Commerce from among the Chamber’s membership; (4) One member to be nominated by the president of the Atlanta Business League from the membership of the Atlanta Business League; (5) One member to be nominated by the president of the Atlanta Airport Chamber of Commerce from among the Chamber's membership; (6) One member to be nominated by the president of the South Fulton Chamber of Commerce, Inc. from among the Chamber's membership; and (7) One member to be nominated and appointed by the board of Commissioners. In the event an organization with nominating power under subparagraphs (1) through (6), above, fails to submit a nomination following resignation or expiration of the term of its respective nominee, the Clerk to the Commission shall send notice to the organization requesting the name of a nominee. If no such nominee is provided within thirty (30) days of the notice, the Board of Commissioners may proceed to nominate and

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