Boards and Authorities Book



Board Established by:

Description: At it's March 6, 2019 Regular Meeting (Item #19-0181) the Fulton County Board of Commissioners amended resolution (Item #17-0483) as to increase the composition of the Fulton County HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, and Policy Advisory Committee by adding (6) Six at-large positions with nominees recommended by the Advisory Committee, and appointed by the Board of Commissioners, thereby increasing its total composition t twenty (20) members. The Board of Commissioners of Fulton County recognizes the great, collaborative work done by the Fulton County Task Force on HIV/AIDS and has determined that in order to best actuate and drive effective implementation of strategies and tactics to end HIV/AIDS in Fulton County that the existing Fulton County Task Force on HIV/AIDS be dissolved and The Fulton CountyHIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, and Policy Advisory Committee be established in its place.This advisory body would continue to update the Strategy to End AIDS in Fulton County and periodically report to the Board of Commissioners on the impact and effectiveness of the implementation of policies and other recommendations outlined in the strategy, as well as the integrated plan and provide input into new strategies, tactics, and policies that may be supported by the Board of Commissioners to address HIV/AIDS in Fulton County. The Advisory Committee shall function as an advisory committee to the Board of Commissioners to advance the policies, objectives and priorities outlined in the Strategy to End AIDS in Fulton County Phases I, II and Ill and any future reports, at the request of the Board of Commissioners, the Advisory Committee may be requested to provide input into Fulton County's federal and state legislative packages. At the July 10, 2024 First Regular Meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance (#24-0488) amending Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide procedures for District and Full Board appointments to the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia, to provide that all appointees serve at the pleasure of either the nominating Commissioner for District appointments or the Board of Commissioners for Full Board appointments. Membership/Appointment: Twenty(20) members. Each Commissioner shall appoint two members each (14 members) and (6 six) at- large positions with nominees recommended by the Advisory Committee and appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Such appointees shall be residents of, or work in Fulton County, and shall have experience or expertise in public health, HIV prevention and/or care, or be otherwise deemed qualified to serve as an advisory committee member. The Advisory Committee has the discretion to create subcommittees to assist it with the assigned tasks. The members of these subcommittees do not have to fulfill the residency restrictions imposed on the appointed members of the Advisory Committee. The Director of the Fulton County Department of Health shall be the liaison from the Fulton County Board of Health to the Advisory Committee. The County Attorney's Office or its designee is hereby authorized to be the sole legal advisor to the Advisory Committee, and this office or a designee shall prepare the Advisory Committee's formation documents including bylaws for this body to ensure that they are aligned to the scope as defined in this enabling resolution, and outlines the purpose, deliverables, and other related items. Term: Appointees to the Advisory Committee shall serve three year terms at the discretion of the appointing Commissioner, and members may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed.


Stipend: None


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