Boards and Authorities Book



Board Established by:

Description: At the March 20, 2019 Recess Meeting, (Item # 19-0233) the Board of Commissioners, passed an Ordinance to amend and add to Article VI, Chapter 34, Division IV, Section 34-319 of the Fulton County Code of Ordinances, entitled Impoundment and Redemption, by amending the name of the Animal Control Hearing Board, (established on May 16, 1990, Item #90-RCM-421) to the Animal Welfare Hearing Board. Sec. 34-319. – “Animal Welfare Hearing Board”. The Fulton County Board of Commissioners hereby creates a board known as the Animal Welfare Hearing Board, to hold hearings provided for in [this] article. The board so designated is authorized and shall have jurisdiction to conduct hearings and determine matters provided for in this Code. No member of the Animal Control Hearing Board may participate in a hearing on any matter in which a member previously participated in the classification of the dog at issue. Fulton County Animal Control, as managed by LifeLine Animal Project, provides animal control services throughout the County; and vigilantly enforces its animal control ordinances, to include the classification of certain dangerous or vicious dogs, as determined by Fulton County Animal Control The Georgia Legislature requires that Fulton County maintain an Animal Control Hearing Board the purpose of said board is to render opinions involving dogs that have been declared dangerous or potentially dangerous by a Fulton County Animal Control Officer; The Animal Control Hearing Board is also tasked with studying animal related issues, making recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding ordinances related to and among Fulton County citizens, animal advocacy groups and organizations, among its other duties. At the July 10, 2024 First Regular Meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance (#24-0488) amending Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide procedures for District and Full Board appointments to the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia, to provide that all appointees serve at the pleasure of either the nominating Commissioner for District appointments or the Board of Commissioners for Full Board appointments. Membership/Appointment: The Animal Welfare Hearing Board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Each Commissioner shall appoint one (1) member to serve for two (2) years. Thereafter, all members may be appointed for an additional term of three (3) years and until their successors are appointed. Term: A Fulton County Commissioner shall nominate any qualified resident of Fulton County to serve as a member of the Animal Welfare Hearing Board and said nominee shall be appointed by a majority of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners. Each member of the Animal Welfare Hearing Board shall be required to attend a minimum of three board meetings per year.




Meetings: As Called

Vernon Sawyer, Division Chief (Animal Services) Emergency Management 130 Peachtree Street, Suite G-157 Atlanta, GA 30303


Joe Barasoain, Director Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency

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