Board Established by:
Description: The establishment of the Fulton County Georgia-502 Homeless Continuum of Care shall serve as the sole Homeless Continuum of Care, subject to HUD approval, in the political boundaries of Fulton County outside the City of Atlanta limits. The CoC Board will be responsible for the following items: (1) CoC serves as a planning body to coordinate housing, services, and funding streams. (2) Promotes community-wide commitment to goals of: Ending homelessness; Quickly re-housing homeless individuals and families; Effective utilization of mainstream resources; Optimizing consumer self-sufficiency (3) Conduct annual Gaps Analysis of homeless needs in the community. (4) Conduct a Point In Time (PTT) County Survey to identify the number of homeless individuals and families in the service area. (5) Implement Coordinated Assessment for community partners. (6) Develop Policies and Procedures to include HMIS and Code of Conduct and Recusal process. (7) Coordinate the housing and services systems to align resources & functions. (8) Coordinate CoC activities with respective Consolidated Planning. In accordance with the HEARTH Rule 24 CFR Part 578, the Board must meet the following minimum requirements: (1) The CoC Board must be an odd number. (2) The CoC Board must include at least one currently homeless representative or a formally homeless representative. (3) The CoC members should not have a Conflict of Interest when voting. The CoC Board will be the Collaborative Applicant for the Board of County Commissioners and will be responsible for reviewing and submitting an application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for homeless activities that will be funded in the Fulton County Service Area. The CoC Board will also apply for the designation as a Unified Funding Agency to receive the funds for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, but the financial responsibilities and tracking will remain with the Board of Commissioners to ensure all funds expended properly and in accordance with federal regulations. Membership/Appointment: The Fulton County Homeless Continuum of Care shall be governed by a board as outlined in the HEARTH Rule 24 CFR Part 578. Said Board shall be comprised of no more than eleven members as the follows: Pursuant to Resolution #15-0109, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on February 4, 2015, the appointment process for the Fulton County Homeless Continuum of Care consists of the following amendments to Section 4 of the previous Board of Commissioners action (Item 14-0631) adopted on August 20, 2014: One (1) representative nominated by each of the Commission Districts for a total of seven (7) members, this includes one (1) representative from District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, At-Large. Each representative would serve a two (2) year term and could be reappointed to serve additional terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no term of any member nominated by a District Commissioner shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who nominates that member. One (1) representative nominated from the South Fulton Service Coalition. This would represent a wide variety of organizations from South Fulton that could help in coordinating services for the homeless to serve a three (3) year term. One (1) representative nominated from the North Fulton Interagency Council. This would represent a wide variety of organizations from North Fulton that could help in coordinating services for the homeless to serve a three (3) year term.
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