Board Established by:
Description: On May 17, 2004, Senate Bill 231 was passed by the State Legislature and signed by the Governor, and this Bill changed the makeup of the Library System Board of Trustees. It dissolved the 17 member Library Board and created an eleven (11) member Library Board. This Board oversees matters related to the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library. The Library Board of Trustees was established by a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners on July 1, 1984, item #55, and at the Regular Meeting of June 1, 1988. Georgia House Bill #1780 established procedures for reappointments and expanded the Board from fourteen (14) positions to sixteen (16) positions. Georgia House Bill #799 expanded the Board from sixteen (16) positions to seventeen (17) positions. At the January 22, 1997 Board of Commissioners Meeting (Item #97-0139), the Board approved a $50 per diem for Library Board of Trustees members per attendance at Regular meetings only. On January 1, 1998, House Bill #606 established that one of the five (5) Board of Commissioners appointees shall be a resident of unincorporated north Fulton County (Item #96-1140). On May 12, 2015, Georgia House Bill #595 amended the Act for establishing a county-wide library system as follows: the Library Board of Trustees shall consist of eight (8) members. The mayor of the City of Atlanta shall appoint one member to serve on the Board of Trustees as an ex officio, nonvoting member. There shall be seven (7) Fulton County appointed members, with one such member appointed by each member of the Board of Commissioners. The appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing member of the Board of Commissioners and for the same term as the Commissioner making such appointment. Membership/Appointment: On or after July 1, 2015, membership/appointment consists of eight (8) members. One (1) member will be an ex officio, nonvoting member, appointed by the Mayor of the City of Atlanta. Seven (7) members shall be Fulton County appointed members, with one such member appointed by each member of the Board of Commissioners.
1)The Mayor of Atlanta's Appointee (ex officio, nonvoting member) 2) District 1 3) District 2 4) District 3 5) District 4 6) District 5 7) District 6 8) District 7 At-Large
Term: Pursuant to the passage of House Bill 595, the Library Board of Trustees shall consist of eight (8) members. The Mayor of the City of Atlanta shall appoint one member to serve on the board of trustees as an ex officio, nonvoting member. There shall be seven Fulton County appointed members, with one such member appointed by each member of the Board of Commissioners. The appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing member of the Board of Commissioners and for the same term as the Commissioner making such appointment.
Stipend: $50/meeting
Meetings: Fourth (4) Wednesday of the month. Third (3) Wednesday of the month in November and December.
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