Boards and Authorities Book



Board Established by:

Description: This Board was established by the MARTA Act of 1965, approved March 10, 1965 (GA. L. 1965, p. 2243) for purposes of planning, designing, leasing (as lessee), purchasing, acquiring, holding, owning, constructing, improving, equipping, financing, maintaining and administering a rapid transit system within the metropolitan area, and operating same, or contracting therefor, or leasing (as lessor) same for operation by private parties. In 2010, House Bill 277 (AS PASSED HOUSE AND SENATE), A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT was passed to enact the "Transportation Investment Act of 2010"; which included a change in the membership of the board of directors of MARTA (GA. Sec. 3 Code 32-9-14): Any provisions to the contrary in the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Act of 1965, approved March 10, 1965 (Ga. L. 1965, p. 2243), as amended, notwithstanding, the terms of all members of the board of directors of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority shall terminate on December 31, 2010, and the board shall be reconstituted according to the provisions of this Code section. Membership/Appointment: Effective June 1, 2014, the board of directors of the authority shall be composed of 11 voting members and 2 nonvoting members. Of the voting members: 3 members shall be residents of the City of Atlanta to be nominated by the mayor and elected by the city council; 4 members shall be residents of DeKalb County with 3 of the 4 appointees to be appointed by the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners and at least 1 of such appointees shall be a resident of that portion of DeKalb County lying south of the southernmost corporate boundaries of the City of Decatur and at least 1 of such appointees shall be a resident of that portion of DeKalb County lying north of the southernmost corporate boundaries of the City of Decatur and the 4th appointee to be appointed by a majority vote of a caucas of mayors of the municipalities located wholly in DeKalb County; 3 members shall be residents of Fulton County and 1 of such members shall be a resident of that portion of Fulton County lying south of the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta to be appointed by a majority vote of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners and 2 of such members shall be residents of that portion of Fulton County lying north of the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta to be appointed by a majority vote of a caucus of mayors of the municipalities of Fulton County lying north of the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta. Term: All appointments shall be for terms of four (4) years except that a vacancy caused otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion thereof by the appointing enity which made the original appointment to the vacant position, or its successor in office. A member of the board may be appointed to succeed himself or herself for one four-year term; provided, however, that the board membership prior to January 1, 2017, shall not be considered in calculating limits on length of service. Appointments to fill expiring terms shall be made by the appointing entity prior to the expiration of the term, but such appointments shall not be made more than 30 days prior to the expiration of the term. Members appointed to the board shall serve for the terms of office specified in this Code section and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified.


Stipend: $105 per meeting


Meetings: The board shall hold at least one meeting each month. The board sets an annual schedule at the end of each year for the upcoming year. Contact(s): Tyrene L. Huff Assistant Secretary/Executive to the Board MARTA 2424 Piedmont Road Atlanta, GA 30324-3330

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