Boards and Authorities Book



Board Established by:

Description: This public corporation and political subdivision of the State of Georgia, having been created by the General Assembly of Georgia, is named the CITY OF ATLANTA AND FULTON COUNTY RECREATION AUTHORITY (the "Authority"). Established by the City of Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation Authority Act (Ga. L. 1960, p. 2810), this Authority provides for the maintenance and operation of Turner Field Stadium, the New Hawks Arena, the Atlanta Zoo, and the John A. White Junior Golf Academy. Without limiting the generality of any provision of this article, the general purpose of the authority is declared to be that of acquiring, constructing, equipping, maintaining and operating an athletic stadium and athletic field and other related facilities for athletic, sporting, cultural, religious, political, musical, educational and other events, and other recreational purposes including, without limitation, refreshment stands and restaurants and facilities for the purveying of foods, beverages, publications, souvenirs, novelties and goods of all kinds, whether operated or purveyed directly, or indirectly through concessions, licenses, or leases or otherwise, and parking facilities and parking areas in connection therewith; for acquiring, constructing, equipping, maintaining and operating recreational centers and areas including, but not limited to, athletic fields, golf courses, public zoos or zoological parks, parking facilities or parking areas in connection therewith, clubhouses, gymnasiums and related buildings and the usual and convenient facilities appertaining to such undertakings; the extension and improvement of such facilities; acquiring the necessary property therefor, both real and personal, with the right to contract for the use of or to lease or sell any or all of such facilities, including real property, to any persons, firms or corporations, whether public or private; and to do any and all things deemed by the authority necessary, convenient and desirable for and incident to the efficient and proper development and operation of such types of undertakings. Membership/Appointment: This Authority consists of nine (9) members: three (3) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners and six (6) members appointed by the City of Atlanta. All vacancies in the membership of the authority, whether caused by expiration of term of office, death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the governing body of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, upon nomination of the chief executive officer and confirmation by the governing body of said city. Any member of the authority may be elected to succeed himself. All members, duly appointed, shall hold office until his or her successor shall be appointed and duly qualified. Any member, appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall serve only for the term of the member he or she replaced. The Authority elects its chairman and vice-chairman shall be elected at the annual meeting of the authority for a term of one year. It shall also elect a secretary and treasurer who does not necessarily have to be a member of the authority and, if not a member, he or she shall have no voting rights and shall be elected to serve for such term as may be determined by the authority. If a member of the authority is elected to serve as secretary and treasurer, he or she shall be elected in the same manner and for the same term as the chairman and vice- chairman. No member of the authority shall hold more than one office except that of secretary and treasurer. Five members of the authority eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the quorum is empowered to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the authority and no vacancy on the authority shall impair the right of the quorum to act. The members of the authority shall serve without compensation except that they shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The authority shall make rules and regulations for its own government. It shall have perpetual existence. (See Fulton County Code §Chapter 30-Sec.30-77.) Enacted and approved June 16, 1964, Any person appointed to membership on the Authority who is a public official of the City of Atlanta or Fulton County at the time of his appointment shall serve as a member of the Authority only so long as he remains a public official of the city or county government which originally appointed him.

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