Boards and Authorities Book



Board Established by:

Description: The establishment of this committee was approved by the Board of Commissioners on August 6, 2014 (#14- 0297), pursuant to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated ("O.C.G.A.") Section 36-81-7 (a)(1), which states that the governing authority of each unit of local government having a population in excess of 1,500 persons according to the latest estimate of population by the United States Bureau of the Census or its successor agency or expenditures of $300,000.00 or more shall provide for and cause to be made an annual audit of the financial affairs and transactions of all funds and activities of the local government for each fiscal year of the local government. At the July 10, 2024 First Regular Meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance (#24-0488) amending Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide procedures for District and Full Board appointments to the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia, to provide that all appointees serve at the pleasure of either the nominating Commissioner for District appointments or the Board of Commissioners for Full Board appointments. Membership/Appointment: Pursuant to Resolution #15-0461, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on May 20, 2015, the appointment process for the Audit Committee consists of the following amendments to the Fulton County Code of Ordinances Section 2-231: The Initial Audit Committee shall be composed as follows: (1.) Five (5) voting members; (2.) The initial Committee members shall include two (2) members of the Board of Commissioners and three (3.) Citizens with expertise in the areas of accounting, auditing, internal control and local government operations; (3.) The citizen members will be appointed by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners. may not hold any elected office, may not be employed by the county, nor have any direct or indirect business relationship with the County; (4.) The citizen members will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners and may be removed at any time, with or without cause; (5.) The citizen members shall be paid a stipend of $250.00 for each meeting attended but in no event shall the total stipend for a year exceed $1,000.00; and Commissioners who serve as committee members will receive no compensation; and (6.) Members of the Committee shall select a Chairperson from among its members annually. Term: The initial Audit Committee shall serve for the calendar year 2015 and 2016; all subsequent terms will be for a period of 2 years. The citizen members will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners and may be removed at any time without cause.


Stipend: $250/meeting


Meetings: The Audit Committee shall meet as needed to perform its duties but shall not meet less than once quarterly. Contact(s): Shauna Herbert, Audit Manager Office of the County Auditor 141 Pryor Street | Atlanta, GA 30303 404-612-4585 (office) 678-525-0957 (cell)

Anthony Nicks, County Auditor Office of the County Auditor 141 Pryor Street, SW

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