Board Established by:
Description: The City of Atlanta created Tax Allocation District Number Six--BeltLine (the "BeltLine TAD") pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Powers Law (O.C.G.A. § 36-44-1 et seq.). Tax Allocation District Number Six -- BeltLine was created as of December 31, 2005, and shall continue in existence for twenty-five (25) years. All redevelopment costs, including financing costs and debt service on tax allocation bonds, shall be paid in full by December 31, 2030. The Advisory Committee's role shall include, but not be limited to, making recommendations to the Atlanta Development Authority (ADA) and the City of Atlanta on the issuance, allocation and distribution of tax allocation bond proceeds within the BeltLine Redevelopment Area and the effective and equitable implementation of the BeltLine Redevelopment Plan. The Committee shall develop and implement a "decision making support tool" designed to measure the impact of the BeltLine Project and ensure accountability for effective and equitable implementation of the project. Membership/Appointment: The Advisory Committee shall comprise not fewer than 42 members and not more than 45 members and shall comprise representatives from the Neighborhood Planning Units from each of the four quadrants, as well as other city residents or persons who represent organizations that operate within the City of Atlanta who have experience in the area of parks and trails planning and development; transit planning and development; finance and business; complex project management; affordable housing; urban planning; arts and culture; historic preservation; green building principles; or other subjects relevant to the BeltLine project. The initial membership shall comprise persons nominated and appointed as follows: a) Geographical Representation: Atlanta Planning Advisory Board is responsible for appointing 12 members; b) Technical Expertise Representation: Beltline Network is responsible for appointing 10 members; c)city Council Representation: Atlanta City Council is responsible for appointing 6 members; d) President of City Council is responsible for appointing 1 member; e) the Mayor of Atlanta is responsible for appointing 1 member; f) Atlanta Public Schools is responsible for appointing 2 members; and g) Fulton County Board of Commissioners is responsible for appointing 10 members. Term: All initial members shall serve for a term of two (2) years, with such term commencing upon approval of the Atlanta City Council. No member shall serve more that 3 consecutive 2 year terms. Member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed or until an earlier death, resignation, removal or incapacity. If a member shall be absent except for reason of illness or absence from the country for three (3) consecutive regular Advisory Committee meetings or four (4) Advisory Committee meetings during a calendar year, including regularly scheduled meetings and special meetings duly called and noticed.
Meetings: The Advisory Committee shall meet on at least a quarterly basis or as otherwise appropriate.
Nathan Soldat Director of Community Engagement
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. 86 Pryor Street, SW #200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404-477-3552 (Office) 404-477-3006 (Fax)
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