Board Established by:
Description: This Commission was established by a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners on April 15, 1992 (Item #92- RC-148), to replace the Blue Ribbon Citizens' Panel on Disability Affairs, which expired on April 15, 1992 and amended by Resolution, April 21, 1993 (Item #93-RM-181). This Commission will identify and review factors in Fulton County that most directly affect the quality of life for persons with disabilities and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. At the July 10, 2024 First Regular Meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance (#24-0488) amending Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide procedures for District and Full Board appointments to the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia, to provide that all appointees serve at the pleasure of either the nominating Commissioner for District appointments or the Board of Commissioners for Full Board appointments. Membership/Appointment: Pursuant to Resolution #15-0109, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on February 4, 2015, the appointment process for the Commission on Disability Affairs consists of the following amendments to the Resolution of the Board of Commissioners governing the appointment process and terms of the Commission on Disability Affairs, Item 93-RM-181, adopted April 21, 1993: The Commission on Disability Affairs shall consist of a total of sixteen (16) members to serve staggered two (2) year terms and appointed as follows: Each member of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint two (2) members, one of said appointees shall have an initial term, of one (1) year; No term of any member shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Commission for Disability Affairs; The Commission on Disability Affairs shall appoint two (2) members, who receive the consent of the majority of the members of the Commission on Disability Affairs and one (1) of the appointees shall have an initial term of one (1) year. The Commission on Disability Affairs appointees shall be made for the purpose of maintaining diversity. Term: After the intial terms, terms shall be two (2) years, staggered. No term of any member shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Commission for Disability Affairs.
Stipend: $50/meeting
Meetings: Every other month on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m., Meetings are held via Zoom. Contact(s): Maleka Rahman, Executive Assistant Department of Diversity and Civil Rights Compliance 141 Pryor Street, 5th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404-612-0446 (office) 404-612-7305 (main)
Melissa Cuthrell Department of Diversity and Civil Rights Compliance 141 Pryor Street, 5th Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404-612-8356 (office) 404-612-3735 (main)
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