Boards and Authorities Book



Board Established by:

Description: By Resolution (Item #98-0371), on March 4, 1998, the Board of Commissioners designated the County Attorney as Staff for this board and appointed the Director of the Fulton County Emergency Communications department as an ex officio member. The Board of Commissioners, on March 5, 1997 (Items #97-0294 and #97-0356), established the "Fulton County Emergency Management Service/911 Advisory Board" (hereinafter the "911 Advisory Board") pursuant to the requirement of O.C.G.A.§46-5-136 and set up an appointment mechanism so that 911 Advisory Board would be composed of thirteen members. The advisory board shall assist the Board of Commissioners in: (1) Reviewing and analyzing the progress by public safety agencies in developing "911" system requirements; (2) Recommending steps of action to effect the necessary coordination, regulation, and development of a "911" system; (3) Identifying mutual aid agreements necessary to effect the "911" system; (4) Assisting in the promulgation of necessary rules, regulations, operating procedures, schedules, and other such policy and administrative devices, as shall be deemed necessary and appropriate; and (5) Providing other services as deemed appropriate by the Board of Commissioners. Membership/Appointment: Consists of thirteen (13) members to include the County Manager, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Sheriff, District III EMS Board Consumer Representative, Director of Fulton County Emergency Communications Department as ex officio member, and County Attorney as staff. The remaining seven (7) members shall be appointees of the Board of Commissioners by district. Pursuant to Resolution #15-0109, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on February 4, 2015, the appointment process for the Fulton County 911 Advisory Board consists of the following amendments to the previous Board of Commissioners actions (Items 97-0294, 97-0356, and 98-0371) by adding the following requirement: Of the seven (7) members who are appointees of the Board of Commissioners, the terms of such members shall end at the end of the term of the appointing District Commissioner. Each member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed. Term: Members' terms shall end at the end of the term of the appointing District Commissioner. Each member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed.




Meetings: Monthly

Chris Sweigart, Deputy Director Fulton County Emergency Management 130 Peachtree Street, Suite 3147 Atlanta, GA 30303 Phone: 404-612-7903 Cell: 678-237-3564





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