Boards and Authorities Book



Board Established by:

Description: This Board was established by the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County by a Resolution (#14-0330) on May 21, 2014, pursuant to an Act of the Legislature, 1987 Ga. L. 5460, as amended, by the Georgia General Assembly entitled the (Fulton County Community Improvement Districts Act). This Board was established to create a CID to be known as the Airport West Community Improvement District (CID) for the provision of the following governmental services and facilities: 1) Street and road construction and maintenance, including curbs, sidewalks, street lights, and devices to control the flow of traffic on streets and roads; 2) Public Transportation, including but not limited to, services intended to reduce the volume of traffic or to transport two or more persons in common vehicles or conveyances; 3) Stormwater and sewage collection and disposal systems; 4) Development, storage, treatment, purification and distribution of water; 5) Parks and recreation areas and facilities; 6) Terminal and dock facilities and parking facilities; and 7) Such other services and facilities as may be provided for by general law Membership/Appointment: Each district created pursuant to the Fulton County Community Improvement District Act, as amended, shall be administered by a board composed of a minimum of seven members to be appointed and elected as provided in this section. If more than 50 percent of the land area of the district is located within unincorporated Fulton County, two board members shall be appointed by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, one board member shall be appointed by the governing authority of each municipality within which any portion of the district lies, and the remaining board members shall be elected by the owners of real property within the district subject to taxes, fees, and assessments levied by the board. If less than 50 percent of the land area of the district is located within unincorporated Fulton County, one board member shall be appointed by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, one board member shall be appointed by the governing authority of each municipality within which any portion of the district lies, and the remaining board members shall be elected by the owners of real property within the district subject to taxes, fees, and assessments levied by the board. The board shall be seven in number plus one member appointed by the governing authority of each municipality as provided above. A caucus of electors, as defined in the Act, shall be held within 60 days after the adoption of the Airport West CID Resolution, within the District, for the purpose of electing the District Board members pursuant to the Act. Registration shall begin at 9:00 o'clock a.m. and conclude at 9:30 o'clock a.m. No person arriving to the registration table after 9:30 o'clock a.m. shall be permitted to vote. Notice of said caucus and registration times shall be given to the electors by publishing notice in the Fulton County Daily Report, the legal organ of Fulton County, and by U. S. Mail to the address of each elector as indicated in the property tax rolls. Term: The appointed board members shall serve at the pleasure of the governing body which appointed same, respectively. The initial elected board members shall serve for terms of office as follows: two shall serve for two years, and the remaining board members shall serve for four years. Thereafter, all terms of office of elected board members shall be for four years.





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