January February 2023


t is not always an easy task to sit down with pen and paper and a journal. What I have found is that it is a journey and it all begins with discipline. Writing is powerful. It can sometimes bring light to a much darker circumstance. I used to wonder to whom I was writing letters because there is a purpose. I choose to begin my journals with My Dear Heavenly Father. Every day my relationship is new with Him. It changes, but the words remain the same. Three ways I look for guidance is always admitting my faults, accepting responsibility, and remembering to surrender all to God. Thinking that I had all the power was exhausting until I could let go and let Him. Powerlessness is where I found God. I had tried lots of things but it all kept coming back to my relationship with Him. It is my reaction to all things good and bad. As I write there are three ways God has moved me to change. I had to admit . Admit what? Admit the bad behavior, the drinking, the shopping, the isolation, the overeating, the gambling, the anger, and the hatred. Denial is a strong emotion so admitting is our first step. Next has always been acceptance . Wow, this is a big one. Accept every being, every place, everything. Really it is an attitude adjustment. I am to blame if I choose not to believe that everything is as it is supposed to be. My job is to stay out of judgement and allow people to be people. Becoming accepting of myself is a lifelong journey. It is for so many as well. We are all traveling on our paths. God has already gone before us and paved the way and where we follow is our free will. 1 Corinthians 10:23 tells us we are allowed to do anything but not everything is good for us; we are allowed to do anything but not everything is beneficial. So how do I discern? I listen, I pray and I seek His word. Daily I surrender my life and my will to my God. Now we have surrender . Surrendering took time. I had to believe in what I was surrendering too. As much as there is good on this earth there is also bad that we must conquer. Satan will slip in with His lies and deceits. He will make everything shiny and gold to lure us away from what is good and what is just. We must pray and stay alert and be persistent in our prayers. God so freely supplies us with courage, hope, belief, and wisdom, all because He loves us. He loved us first so we may love others. Christ is before me and behind me and whatever I commit to the Lord He will establish my plans in whatever I do. I am strongest with God’s whole armor. We have the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the sandals with the gospel of peace, we have the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation. We also have received the sword of the spirit and the ability to pray. These are the sole formula for our survival and growth. Lord I surrender all at your feet.

Lord please open the eyes of my heart and empty the mind of everything unholy. Do not let me get tired of doing what is good. Let my mouth speak wisdom and allow my heart to be filled with understanding for all people. Dear God, please give me the wisdom to know the difference. For years I ran on my own self will. My flesh cried out and I gave into every temptation Satan placed in my wake. He wanted me for Himself, so in all my drunkenness I played by His rules. However, the day came when our God gave me saving grace. At just the right time He heard me and He helped me. It is because of Christ that I have become a person again of great integrity, decency, and respectability. It is only when I listen to your word when you say that I must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry that I could begin to accept my life on God’s terms. In return for my redemption I will pray that you bless those who persecute me. I will also be happy with those who are happy and I shall weep when they weep. I will strive to live in harmony of those who enter my life. I choose today to come to a place of never being too proud to enjoy the company of others that are ordinary, because Lord, it is you who placed these people before me. I pray to you, that I will never again let evil conquer me, but that I will conquer evil by doing good, Amen. Adapted from: James 1:19; Romans 12:14, 21

Sami Gunnoud

Sami Gunnoud

Linda O’Dell describes herself as an “Okie” girl. She is married and has a passion for life. She loves Jesus who healed her of her cancer in 1981. She is extremely passionate about prison ministry. She is now a member with the GIFTS charities Inc. She would love to know what you are passionate about! Lindaprisonmentor@gmail.com Sami Gunnoud is a dedicated daughter, wife, mother and grandmother but most all a child of God. She enjoys reading scripture and journaling to God about her recovery and journey. As a young girl, she told herself she would publish a book one day. She is now the author of An Alcoholics Journey to God. Contact Info: Follow her on Twitter @SGunnoud

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