Interning at EMAGES I s W orkIng for A ll of U s Because when we know better, we can do better
I t’s been said that “knowledge is power”. In many of our own lives we understand that this is much more than just a cliched catchphrase because we know that when we learn, we grow and we’ve lived the experience over time. For every intern everywhere, knowledge is also and most often their only reward for their extraordinary professional efforts. In the case of Mrs. Tracie Woods, her hunger for knowledge has led directly to many of her most professionally satisfying rewards as an EMAGES intern. Achieving her Associates degree in 2014 and then her Bachelors, Mrs. Woods began her internship in 2018 working directly with clients and facilitating group therapy sessions. Initially her group sessions were a particularly daunting challenge. As she recently shared in regard to one of her most valuable internship lessons- “I definitely had an initial fear of doing group but now I feel much more confident and genuine. This experience has helped me continue to move from a social work oriented framework into a
more mental health-oriented plan which I feel is easier for many of my clients to connect with.” Working closely with Dr, Wash and Mitzi Scott, Mrs. Woods has advanced her education through going back to capture her Masters at Chicago State and is currently looking forward to her third run as an intern serving disenfranchised African-American communities, helping her clients overcome problems and then helping them get back on
track. Among her many rewards is a much deeper appreciation for the complexity and fragility of the lives of her clients and a more profound sense of empathy for our human journeys. “ One of my most important intern lessons is that we are all of us still under construction…” And her professional priority moving forward? As she put it so gratefully and graciously-
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