to Licensed Counselor DEBORAH TAYLOR , Licensed counselor, and former intern at EMAGES And when clients graduate? “I saw that they were happy that they had completed the program. They weren’t proud of what they'd done to get there, they weren’t proud of what they did, but once they had gone through the program, they were happy that they had completed it, and they felt proud that now they could go out in the world with the tools they needed to keep themselves grounded.” Deborah showed compassion and high hopes for her clients. “Some were reluctant to come, but they came. You didn’t see them defiant. They knew they had to be there. They did what they had to do. They treated me with respect all the time. There was never any disrespect from clients. To me, they are people who have done some things; they did their time in jail,

and now they want to move on to the next point in their lives, to work within the parameters that they have now placed themselves in, and they want to do good for themselves.” And what is Deborah Taylor doing today? “I have my master's degree in social work and am currently licensed in Illinois to do social work.”

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