Intern to
Doctor to Giving Back at
EMAGES Retreat Dr. KaMetta clarK, a forMer intern with eMaGeS Doctoral proGraM
I n 2019, Dr. Kametta Clark interned at EMAGES for a year through their doctoral program. Her supervisor was Dr. Wash, and Dr. Clark would come once a week on Wednesdays for four hours. “I did individual and group therapy. On Saturdays, we went to sessions for classes and training. My clients were individual sex offenders. Miss Sandra did substance abuse in the evening, so I would go into her group when I finished with my clients. Before that, I’d had little experience with substance abuse, but working with sex offender clients was something I had never done, something that I didn’t think I would ever do. It’s something that spoke to me; it gave me a different perspective. . . everybody needs an advocate.” When asked if she saw a change in her clients while there, she replied, “I definitely saw a change. For an individual who may be closed or non-accountable, accountability changes with their verbiage and participation. Sometimes you can see the whole mask come off the individual in one session. It is rewarding and not just that; it makes you feel like the work you put in allows them to also put in the work for themselves.” Dr. Clark is also a teacher. “ My Doctorate is in counseling education and supervision, so I teach
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