E MAGES, Inc. provides Alcohol/ Substance Abuse Evaluation, Substance Abuse Treatment, Individual and group therapy. We provide referrals to auxiliary programs to assist with developing a healthy support network through linkage agreements with other community agencies. EMAGES, Inc. provides DUI Evaluations and all levels of treatment, updated evaluations and Alcohol/Substance Abuse Investigative Reports, and all paperwork is accepted by the Illinois Secretary of State. EMAGES,Inc. Is also a teaching facility and provides Internships to students from the City of Chicago colleges and universities throughout the Chicage Area, EMAGES, Inc. provides Comprehensive Sex Offender treatment in Collaboration with Cook County and Illinois Department of Corrections, Anger- magnagement group
therapy, Mental Health services and individual therapy. We provide Sex offender Therapy and trainings, and provides CEU trainings in collaborations with IIBAP and IAODAPCA.
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