BIOFEEDBACK THERAPY: Dr. Edward Butler > > > > >
D r. Butler got his start in the army reserve as a combat medic. “I decided to go into nursing. I became an RN—Registered Nurse. I was working in the emergency room. I thought I’d become a nurse anesthetist. I was looking at going to graduate school. I did a group, and one of the psychologists in the unit said, ‘Have you thought about going into psychology?’ I did, and I liked it. Dr. Wash was the director of one of the community mental health centers in Chicago, and I did some training at her center. When I finished training, I came on board; they knew me from the training, so it was an easy transition. I’ve worked for EMAGES for 20 years as a contract psychologist. I definitely enjoy what I do.” As a psychologist, Dr. Butler is mainly involved with mental health. He practices individual and group therapy from a mental health perspective and does evaluations and assessments. He also has an Anger Management group. He explains, “A more euphemistic term is Emotional Intelligence.” So, how does one end up in an anger management class? “Somehow, they got involved in the legal system predicated on some type of behavior, so one of their probation or parole conditions would be to take anger management classes or some type of mental health treatment. I tell clients, especially if they were referred by the department of corrections, that this is not punishment; this is a skill set to learn that you can use throughout your lifespan.” When asked if clients can get unruly—after all, it is called anger management—Dr. Butler shares, “There is a technique I introduce to my anger management
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