M itzi Scott, Supervisor for EMAGES, has been with the company since July first, 2006. Starting as a consultant, she was hired months later as EMAGES’ first clinical full-time employee. She is a certified alcohol and drug counselor, certified DUI assessor and facilitator, and a social worker. Her job includes evaluations, therapy, training, paperwork, placing interns, and marketing. EMAGES offers many programs, including anger management and mental health, group and individual sessions, and sex offender therapy. Mitzi shares, "It's about assessment, appropriate programming, therapeutic groups, case management, paperwork, and moving clients through treatment.” Mitzi has been on
response to stress, so we lower the level of stress in a person’s life. There’s no treatment if you don’t treat the whole person.” “ We take it a step higher. We work from a culturally specific model. We identify the individual’s culture. Culture is not just ethnicity but their frame of thought, their frame of reference, all of what makes them who they are. We want the clients to look at their belief system and identify, ‘Are you living according to your belief system? If not, what can we do to get you to live to some degree by your belief system?’” EMAGES teaches people to resolve issues through a better level of communication,
the other side of the desk: “I am a product of the criminal justice system. I am a product of substance abuse. I am a product of most statistics that exist. I am recovering alcoholic and addict.” She shares that she will soon be celebrating 22 years of sobriety.
understanding, and being able to step into someone else’s shoes versus only being able to see things from a personal perspective. “When people start navigating through those things, their chances of maintaining a better quality of life becomes much brighter.” Mitzi shares, "Through
self-esteem building and self- worth building, we are building the client cognitively, emotionally, and helping them have a paradigm shift.” When asked how long the treatment program might take, she shares that some graduate from the program in six months. “We've had clients be here for up to a year. Progress can be slow and steady, but progress is progress.” Mitzi is on a mission. She gets out there, talks to people in need, and lets them know about EMAGES. “I do what I do in my neighborhood, not just at my job.”
When asked if she has seen clients recover fully, she is quick to answer, “Most of them have a complete turnaround. We have a pretty good output rate.” Mitzi explains that treatment and case management go hand in hand. “One of the founding bricks of substance abuse treatment is case management, connecting clients with resources to get a degree of equality in life. If a client is required to come to treatment but doesn’t have adequate housing, the ability to eat, or some stability, the chances of him adhering to treatment are… none.” She adds, “Alcohol and drugs are not a problem; they’re a symptom of a problem. Addiction is a
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