I n any truly advanced civilization, education is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our youth. It’s the socially sustainable gift that renews us all and revitalizes all of our futures together. It gives back and keeps giving back long after we’ve paid the bill. And yet even the best

through her professional efforts and focus on social services. “For me it was a tremendously worthwhile experience and a surprising one too. It was a gigantic educational windfall and my time there truly exceeded my wildest expectations. As a student, it was

also the most in-depth and real experience I could’ve ever hoped for outside a classroom.” Working closely with Ms. Scott through much of her EMAGES tenure, Ms. Gutierrez was able to see her work in an entirely different light than that of academia and the classroom. In recent conversation Ms.

educational gift can go stale if it remains unopened. For Jennifer Gutierrez, her practical education through an internship at EMAGES is the gift of service that we can all count on receiving for decades to come. While currently pursuing her AAS degree (Associate of

Gutierrez marked her participation in EMAGES internship program as her highest personal achievement in her chosen field of study and also noted that the professional connections she was able to make during her time there were absolutely invaluable.

Applied Science) in Addiction Studies at Kennedy-King College, in January of 2022 Ms. Gutierrez uncovered her opportunity to provide real world service in her chosen field by diving headfirst into her internship at EMAGES. During her four month term there, Ms. Gutierrez not only gave back to her greater community directly through her work but also served herself and her educational goals

Jennifer Gutierrez

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