D r. Wash is the brainchild of EMAGES. So, how did EMAGES begin? “A group of five of us decided we wanted to do something different when we retired from our primary jobs.” In 1992, Dr. Wash incorporated EMAGES as a not-for-profit. “We wanted to work for ourselves and give back to the community. That’s how the organization got started.” EMAGES started off with workshops and seminars in substance abuse and mental health, as well as training substance abuse and mental health counselors. In the late nineties, EMAGES added group therapy. “I opened my first brick-and-mortar location. There were several counselors, but this was our second job, and we were still working our primary jobs. We would come in the evening after five p.m. with our groups. We’d work all day and then work at least three more hours at EMAGES.” Through grants, EMAGES was funded for substance abuse outpatient level one and level two treatment services. “I got a couple of contracts from the Cook County Department of Probation to provide some sex offender counseling. I also became certified and licensed to provide those services for sex offenders.” She adds, “We treat all clients with dignity and respect, the way that we want to be treated. I think if they see they can move on with their lives that they can become productive citizens, and they understand what was going on with them at the time that they committed their offense if they committed it, what they need to do, what skills and techniques they need to develop The Face Behind the Dream Dr. Hattie Wash: CEO of EMAGES

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