The Barn & Equestrian Facilities, Commonmead Lane, Old Sodbury PROFESSIONAL PLANNING APPRAISAL
2.1 This site comprises a former stone-built barn, its immediate surrounds, an equestrian
paddock complete with stable building, and a central section of what is described
on the title deeds as ‘garden’ being formerly within the curtilage of neighbouring
Spring Grove House, but initial planning searches do not return a classified use.
2.2 The site is located in open countryside, outside, but in proximity to, the defined
settlement boundary of Old Sodbury. The site is outside of the Green Belt but just
within the western edge of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
3.1 The section of the site containing the barn has an extent planning permission (ref.
PK14/2581/F) for the conversion to a single dwelling with associated access, parking
for up to 4no. vehicles and garden (conditions approval ref. DOC18/0226 refers).
This was granted in November 2014 and allowed the barn to be refurbished
(including a new roof) and converted into a one-bedroom house with parking and
private garden space.
3.2 This barn conversion permission (ref. PK14/2581/F) has been lawfully implemented
and now remains extant in perpetuity provided the site is not abandoned. Critically,
Lawful Development Certificate, ref. PK18/2774/CLP was issued by the Council in
September 2018 to ratify this position.
3.3 The original permission for the conversion was granted under the Council’s previous
set of planning policies, which were replaced in 2017. The more recent adopted
policy relevant to conversions of buildings in the countryside are more positive and
allow for modest enlargements, which means there is a good prospect of securing
a modest extension to the barn to gain additional floorspace.
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