Activa: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

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Doyousuffer fromdailyor recurrentachesandpains? Ifso,yourposturemay be the culprit. Just think about the number of hours a day we spend staring atacomputerscreen,hunchedoverourdesks,orstaringatourphones.That creates a lot of stress on the neck and back, especially if you are slouched, titled forward, or looking down for prolonged periods of time. How does poor posture affect me? Changes to your posture can negatively affectyourbody,andyoumayfindyourselfexperiencingsomeofthefollowing symptoms: • If your posture contains a forward head tilt– This forward-head posture creates a strain on the neck, which can result in neck pain, shoulder pain, armpain,chronicheadaches,and lowerbackpain.Tiltingyourheadforward for long periods of time shortens the muscles in the back of the neck, and can result in soreness throughout multiple parts of your body. • If your posture contains slouching of the mid-back – If you slouch the middleofyourback,youcandriveyourhead forwardandalter thewayyour ribs naturally align. By doing this, you may experience pain in the slouched regionof themid-back, inaddition topain in theneck. If this isyouraverage standing posture, it is important to seek physical therapy treatment right

away–over time,standing like thisdayafterdaymaycause internal issues, as it creates pressure on your lungs, heart, and digestive system. • If your posture includes sitting for long periods of time – When you sit for prolonged periods of time, the muscles in your hips and legs will stiffen. When these muscles become stiff, they tighten and will pull on the lower back, causing pain. The joints also lose their range of motion, which can cause soreness or achiness in the hips, legs, and back, and can create issues with your gait. The way in which you walk can also have an effect on your posture. When you have improper posture, your center of gravity changes. This can cause your balance to decline, which can cause pain when walking, thus creating a vicious cycle of overcompensation and pain. The most common symptom of poor posture is lower back pain, although pain can be present in other parts of the body, as well. The back muscles constantlycontract tokeepyouupright,and theyovercompensatewhenyou slouchorhunchover.Overaperiodof time,constantpoorposturecancreate anunusualamountofwearand tearon the lowerback,whichcan increase the risk of arthritis in the spine. If you are suffering with aches and pains, discover our programs today and learn more about how to gain relief.

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