Product Catalog

EVENT BADGES Full Color, full bleed and two sided Event Badges. Five sizes to choose from. Thickness of 30mil, or 40 mil plastic, these cards are perfect for special events like concerts, sporting events, conferences & festivals. Use them as access cards or VIP passes. Front and back side can be different. Badges can also be personalized.

Larry Timm Eastern Division

Standard Sizes







(75-149) (150-249) (250-499) (500-749) (750-999) (1000-2499) (2500+)

$1.04 $1.25 $1.73 $2.10 $2.07 $2.46 $2.49 $2.85 $2.96 $3.35 $1.29 $1.50 $2.15 $2.52 $2.57 $2.96 $2.71 $3.07 $3.19 $3.58 $0.20

$0.72 $0.88 $1.21 $1.47 $1.45 $1.72 $1.74 $2.00 $2.07 $2.35 $0.90 $1.05 $1.51 $1.76 $1.80 $2.07 $1.90 $2.15 $2.23 $2.50 $0.14

$1.09 $1.32 $1.83 $2.21 $2.18 $2.60 $2.63 $3.01 $3.13 $3.54 $1.36 $1.59 $2.27 $2.65 $2.71 $3.13 $2.86 $3.24 $3.36 $3.78 $0.21

$0.97 $1.17 $1.62 $1.96 $1.93 $2.30 $2.32 $2.66 $2.76 $3.13 $1.20 $1.40 $2.01 $2.35 $2.40 $2.76 $2.53 $2.87 $2.97 $3.34 $0.18

$0.78 $0.95 $1.31 $1.58 $1.56 $1.86 $1.88 $2.15 $2.24 $2.53 $0.97 $1.14 $1.63 $1.90 $1.94 $2.24 $2.05 $2.32 $2.41 $2.70 $0.15

$0.90 $1.09 $1.50 $1.82 $1.79 $2.13 $2.16 $2.47 $2.57 $2.91 $1.11 $1.30 $1.86 $2.18 $2.23 $2.57 $2.35 $2.66 $2.76 $3.10 $0.17

4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4 4/1 4/4

$0.83 $1.00 $1.39 $1.68 $1.65 $1.97 $1.99 $2.28 $2.37 $2.68 $1.03 $1.20 $1.72 $2.01 $2.06 $2.37 $2.17 $2.46 $2.55 $2.86 $0.16

$1.73 $2.09 $2.89 $3.49 $3.45 $4.10 $4.15 $4.75 $4.94 $5.59 $2.14 $2.51 $3.59 $4.19 $4.28 $4.94 $4.52 $5.12 $5.31 $5.96 $0.33

$1.15 $1.39 $1.93 $2.33 $2.30 $2.73 $2.76 $3.17 $3.29 $3.73 $1.43 $1.67 $2.39 $2.79 $2.86 $3.29 $3.01 $3.42 $3.54 $3.97 $0.22

$2.88 $3.48 $4.81 $5.82 $5.74 $6.83 $6.91 $7.92 $8.23 $9.32 $3.57 $4.18 $5.98 $6.99 $7.14 $8.23 $7.53 $8.54 $8.85 $9.94 $0.54

2-1/8” x 3-3/8” 2-1/8” x 3-3/8”

30 mil 30 mil 30 mil 30 mil 30 mil 30 mil 30 mil 30 mil 30 mil 30 mil 40 mil 40 mil 40 mil 40 mil 40 mil 40 mil 40 mil 40 mil 40 mil 40 mil

$2.30 $2.78 $3.85 $4.66 $4.60 $5.46 $5.53 $6.33 $6.58 $7.45 $2.86 $3.34 $4.78 $5.59 $5.71 $6.58 $6.02 $6.83 $7.08 $7.95 $0.43

3” x 4” 3” x 4”

3” x 4-1/2” or 3” x 5” 3” x 4-1/2” or 3” x 5” 3-3/16” x 5-3/16” 3-3/16” x 5-3/16”

4-1/4” x 6” 4-1/4” x 6”

2-1/8” x 3-3/8” 2-1/8” x 3-3/8”

3” x 4” 3” x 4”

3-1/2” x 4” or 3” x 5” 3-1/2” x 4” or 3” x 5” 3-3/16” x 5-3/16” 3-3/16” x 5-3/16”

4-1/4” x 6” 4-1/4” x 6”

Slot Punch Charge

Personalization Charge if same on both sides If different on both side double charge









New Product Turnaround: 18 Working Days $60.00

Design Set Up Fee (applies to first order, regardless of volume)

37 The Cawley Company


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