Biola Broadcaster - 1972-05

"lip-smacking" breakfast. In the afternoon when he came home she prepared a fish dinner. He en­ joyed fish, but since she did not, it was seldom served in their house­ hold. She also made it a point to be fresh and attractive. In the eve­ ning, she remarked, "Honey, they are having special services at the church. I wondered, would you mind if I went?" The honest ques­ tion apparently took him by sur­ prise. Her habit had been of tell­ ing him rather than asking. This continued through the first week of the meetings and on into the second. During the last week, one evening the wife went into the bedroom after dinner only to find that her husband was dressing to go out. He explained, "I am going over to the church with you to­ night. I have never seen such a change as what has happened to you. Any man who can preach like that is worth hearing!" You see, the preacher did not make the change, God did! By careful observation of her life, her husband was won to Christ without her saying a word. The most attractive, winsome adornment of a Christian woman should be the beauty of her life. I Peter 3:3 does not prohibit the use of jewelry or attractive clothes. It is simply a comparison of two types of beauty. Which is more important to you — outward or in­ ward? Emphasis is the differentia­ tion. Women tend to concentrate on outer attractiveness. (This is true of men, too.) The beauty that delights God and will charm your husband, however, is the loveli­ ness of a gentle and quiet spirit. There is no spirituality in looking like a warmed-over corpse! You do not need to ignore these lesser things, but rather give heed to the Page 17

had your situation in mind when He inspired these words. He wants you to be in subjection to this dis­ obedient person so that you may win him to Christ by your godly life. What is more, Peter says you are to stop talking to your hus­ band about your faith. Husbands are to be won "without a word by the conversation of their wives." The term "conversation" in the King James Version is not a proper translation for our day. It does not mean "talk" or "dialogue." In fact Peter means just the opposite. It is really your manner of life, conduct, or behaviour. Unsaved husbands have a better opportunity to be won to Christ if their wives stop nagging them. Practice of life means far more than preaching by words only. Why not try Peter's advice? Arguing with your husband about this matter will never get you anywhere. In­ stead of concentrating on your husband, be concerned about your­ self so that your life is pure and reverent. Place your problems into the hands of God. In this way you can be free from the anxiety, bit­ terness and frustration that could make you an attractive woman. The late Dr. Harry Ironside had a woman approach him during a series of special meetings at the Moody Memorial Church in Chi­ cago. "Dr. Ironside," she said, "I have talked 'til I am blue in the face trying to get my husband to come to the services. I do not know what else to do." This great saint pointed her to these verses sug­ gesting that she put this advice into practice. The next morning when her husband got up he smelled ba­ con and eggs. He knew his wife had struggled out of bed to fix a

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