! H o I îness at a time. These will grow into verses and later into chapters. This is one of your best defenses to withstand the devil's attack. Then, it is wonderful to know that our Lord understands us com pletely (Hebrews 2:18). He waits to give the power and strength to endure the test, or to overcome the vexing temptation (I Corinthi ans 10:13). The way of escape may not be the route you have planned. Keep in mind that God's way is always best. I John 3 draws a con trast between the children of God and the children of the devil. One of the major characteristics is pur ity. Sin is absolutely incompatible and inconsistent for a child of God. This has reference to experiential sanctification (I John 3:3). One of the tremendous things about being a Christian is that we can abound in hope. There is little of this commodity in the world today. Our personal posses sion of Jesus Christ gives the assur ance of tomorrow's bright promise (Titus 2:13). Are you looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ? May this be our individual incentive to practical Christian
By DAVID D. ALLEN, JR. ecology and personal habits of hol iness. PRIVILEGES IN CHRIST PRODUCE PURITY In the Bible we are continually reminded to walk in purity, rather than fashioning our lives after the pattern of this day (I Peter 1:22). The children of Israel brought God's judgment upon themselves when they allowed idolatry to creep into their nation. It is sad to see the impurity God's people per mit to exist in their lives, as well as in the church itself. This surely must grieve the Holy Spirit. In I John 3:1-3 we have several incentives to practical holiness. The first consideration is the fact that our heavenly Father has abundant ly bestowed His love upon us. Do you realize that the Lord loves you with an incredible quality of life? His love is foreign to the human race. The word translated "what manner of" is used seven times in the New Testament. It carries with it the idea of astonishment and ad miration. There are no limits in any dimension to the love of God. Eric Segal, the Yale professor, wrote the bestseller, "Love Story." It can not begin to compare with the far Page 35
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