Biola Broadcaster - 1972-05

destiny imposes. Unrighteous con­ duct is unthinkable to the Chris­ tian who has grasped the purpose of the two appearings of Christ. The first time was to settle once and for all the judgment of sin's penalty. The second time will be to come in majesty and power. Christ came to minister and to give His life a ransom for many. The Apos­ tle reminds us that if we have this hope of Christ's return, then it is certain to do something in our lives. There is absolutely no hope in the world apart from Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:12). The hope of be­ ing like Him arouses the determin­ ation to be pure as He is. The word for "purity" means the equivalent to "freedom from mor­ al stain" (Philippians 4:8). A life­ long goal should be purity. How can you be a strong Christian if all you feed on are all the television plays? They are really nothing more than stories about adulterous men and silly women ladened with sins. It is sad to see the large num­ ber who are hooked on such fare. Think of how you would live. You will never become spiritual in any other fashion. Paul urges us, "Put something in your mind that will make you strong." There has to be consistent, continual purification from everything that is opposed to the character of Cod. This requires discipline. We should maintain a delicate sensibility to spiritual pol­ lution of any kind. Just because our day has become more wicked does not mean that Christians can afford to be any less pure. No matter what your involve­ ment may be, ask yourself, "How does this affect my quality of life as a Christian? Does it help me to be pure?" This should handle all questions as to the places where Page 39

formed. Some who read these lines have bodies wrenched in pain and anguish. Before long, sooner than we could possibly re­ alize, we are going to be complete­ ly transformed. If we were to give a critique of our own lives, most of us would have to say, "Well, I sure fall short of being like Jesus!" Yet, there is a day coming when we will be just like Him. We shall see Him as He is. To "see Cod," implies a likeness to Him. Have you been able to look back on your years only to realize there has been little growth? Even now we are being continually changed from glory to glory even as by the Holy Spirit. One day the goal will be achieved when we see the Lord Jesus face-to-face. We will be like Him. May this hope, privi­ lege, and enviable position pro­ duce in us a life of practical Chris­ tian purity. THE PURIFYING HOPE One of the misnomers of our day is the familiar term about, "The New Morality." The choice of words is poor for it is neither morality nor is it new. It is sad to realize that the lives of some so- called Christians have been af­ fected, too. This is why we must return to the Word of Cod anchor­ ing our lives on a Biblical purity. The point is to put our own house in order, removing the impurities from our lives, our churches. This is the way revival comes in an abundant manner. It is a sorry state to see so much compromise and a lowering of standards. John, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us, "And ev­ ery man that hath this hope in Him (Christ) purifieth himself even as He is pure." This is the duty our

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