Biola Broadcaster - 1972-05

sider Him little more than an influ­ ence. We need to remember that the Spirit bears the same relation­ ship to Christ as a sunbeam does to the sun itselff. It is obvious to those who take the Bible as their authority that thinking of the third person of the Trinity as only an influence is an absolutely unten­ able position. We know that the Holy Spirit is a Person because He possesses all the attributes of personality. When you think of a person in terms of our present existence, he is usu­ ally regarded as having a physical form one can see and touch. The body is but the channel of person­ ality. The human frame may col­ lapse without harming the person which is really intangible. It cannot be seen b yhuman eyes or touched by human hands. Our body is only the house in which the soul and spirit live. The latter is what is really you and me. If the Holy Spir­ it had bodily form how could He dwell in our bodies? Our bodies are limited. We are made of flesh, bones and blood, filled with the infirmities and weaknesses. Cod Himself is infinite and unlimited. This is why His presence can dwell in us when, by faith, we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. It is our conviction that one of the most needful studies for our day concerns the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Our last study sought to point out that we must never confuse the mortal human body with personality. Al­ though you may die, and your body return to dust, you will still continue to have personality. It is not limited to your body but re­ sides in the soul and spirit. We must keep in mind that the Holy Page 48

Spirit is a definite personality. Three things constitute person­ ality. These are intelligence, emo­ tion (or feeling) and will. That is why we have the power to reason. The Holy Spirit certainly has these same attributes only in a infinite manner as opposed to ours which are finite (Romans 8:27). John 14:26 represents Him as teaching us the things of the Lord. I Corinthians 2:10 makes it very clear that He searches "the deep things of God." Romans 15:30 lets us know of His love for us. How wonderful are all these blessed en­ lightening and encouraging words. Ephesians 4:30 shares with us the possibility of grieving the Holy Spirit. Because He loves us so much He is greatly concerned and moved by our waywardness. Matthew 12:31 tells us He can also be blas­ phemed. Such would not be pos­ sible if He were only an influence without any personality. The fact that He has a very real will is shown to us in such verses as Acts 10:19. The Holy Spirit makes the deter­ mination as to who shall receive His gifts (I Corinthians 12:11). He is sovereign in their bestowal. There are 22 different forms of activity which are ascribed to the Holy Spirit which can only be said of a person. Let me give them to you: 1. He creates (Psalms 104.30). 2. He searches the mind and the heart (I Corinthians 2:10,11). 3. He strives (Genesis 6:3). 4. He moves (Genesis 1:2). 5. He speaks (Revelation 2:11). 6. He guides us into all truth (John 16:13). 7. He leads the believer (Romans 8:14). 8. He helps us (Romans 2:26).

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