are, and ever shall be one in the Godhead. What a blessed and won derful mystery this is. Their distinc tive revelation and differing minis try must not be confused. Christ knew that the Holy Spirit would appear as the Comforter. He proph esied this. Likewise, the Holy Spirit always knew from eternity past that the Son would become God-Man so that He could go to the cross to redeem us from our sins. Keep in mind that Jesus in His birth was actually begotten by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). Without this truth, the Virgin birth would be absolutely impossible. This settles once and for all the fact that Christ never had a human father. Joseph was not involved for the Saviour was virgin-born in the miracle of the incarnation. There is absolute ly no power greater than that of the Holy Spirit. The supernatural birth of Jesus reveals this to us. By faith we believe what wondrous things can be done. Everyone who is a true Christian is similarly born of the Holy Spirit (John 3:1-19). Jesus told Nicodemus, "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of Cod." Who can fully understand or explain this su pernatural birth? Yet, how majesti cally wonderful and true it really is. Throughout His earthly ministry the Holy Spirit was upon Christ (Luke 4:18). Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. The priests and the kings of Israel in the Old Testament were the recipients of an unction. They were anointed with oil. This symbolism pointed forward to the Lord Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, who would also be anointed with the Holy
Spirit. Oil is a symbolism of Him (Isaiah 11:1, 2). At the baptism of Jesus the Holy Spirit descended and remained up on Him (John 1:33). There was no limitation as He was enabled to accomplish the Father's will (John 3:34). While we as sinful men have Him simply by measure, Christ pos sessed the Holy Spirit in all of His utter fullness. The Saviour never laid aside His deity (John 8:29). He was guided by the Holy Spirit throughout His earthly life. Christ was led by the Spirit in everything He did and said (Luke 4:1). Similarly, you and I need to be led daily by the Holy Spirit in every detail of our lives. As Christ went into the woilder- ness of temptation, we must be ready for wilderness experiences. There may be dry, barren places which are never lovely and pleas ant. As Christ was victorious, so we, too, can overcome as we com mit ourselves to Him for strength and power. It can't be done of our selves (I John 4:4). As Christ tri umphed in the power of the Holy Spirit so we can find grace and sus tenance in the dargest hours of our involvement in life. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND PENTECOST It is important to get an accurate view of the Holy Spirit as concern ing His ministry on the Day of Pentecost. In Acts we find a new atmosphere from the Gospels. Ev erything is dominated by the Spirit of God. His presence and power stand out on every page. In this book there are 70 references to the Holy Spirit. According to 1:2 the title of the treatise should be called, "The Acts of the Holy Spirit." Those early Christians were simply instruments whom He used to Page 57
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