Gazette Business Indiana 2023

2 — Indiana Gazette / The Blairsville Dispatch / Shopper’s Guide - Business Indiana - January 2023

Chamber helps advance Indiana County businesses

L ast year was one of advance- ment for Indiana County, with new economic developments and educational initiatives taking place to help move the county out of the pandemic years and into an optimistic future. While workforce issues and in- flation raised concerns, the Indi- ana County business community continued to show its resilience in adapting to the changing times with an eye on a more promising path ahead. The chamber maintained a strong membership base and fur- thered our efforts to sustain Indi- ana County’s business communi- ty and enhance the overall qual- ity of life. During the last fiscal year ending on Sept. 30, 2022, the chamber added 29 new members, bringing our total membership to 570 currently. Our retention rate for member- ship is 94.4 percent, which is high- er than the past couple of years and one of the higher numbers among our chamber peers. This helps to reinforce that our mem-

Mark hilliard

bers view the chamber as a re- source for business assistance and an advocate for our business com- munity. It also emphasizes that our members are utilizing their benefits and are happy with the products and services we provide. Workforce remained a top issue in Indiana County and at the chamber in 2022. In April, the chamber was proud to announce a brand-new initiative titled “Ex- cellence in Education Awards.” In partnership with Colonial Motor Mart and Colonial Toyota, the Ex- cellence in Education program will highlight various students and teachers from each of the seven county public school districts as well as Indiana County Technolo- gy Center (ICTC) throughout the school year, and will culminate with the Indiana County Excel- lence in Education Awards on May 8, 2023. One student and one teacher will be selected at this banquet, with each being awarded a brand- new automobile donated by Co- lonial. The Excellence in Educa-

tion program recognizes students on a combina- tion of fac- tors including academics, extra-curric- ular activities, community involvement, technical skills, work ex- perience and essential skills. Continu- ing with the partnerships in education, in May the chamber con- cluded the third year of

seniors throughout the county who became certified as “Indiana County READY.” To enhance the relationship be- tween the business community and Indiana University of Penn- sylvania (IUP), the chamber part- nered with IUP to create a brand- new student discount program. The “Talon Ticket” was developed and marketed with the help of students from the university and launched its pilot program in the fall of 2022. The Talon Ticket will look to expand during 2023 with businesses throughout the county being invited to participate. We continue to make improve- ments and create more oppor- tunities for our members to net- work and stimulate more busi- ness-to-business connections. Here are some of the highlights: • Following a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the chamber held Indiana County’s second an- nual Women’s Summit on Feb. 8 at the KCAC. The event, dedicated to the professional, physical, psy- chological and emotional well-be-

ing of women in Indiana County, was a tremendous success fea- turing keynote speaker Aradh- na Oliphant, as well as breakout sessions on financial forethought, safety and self-defense, and healthy mind/healthy body. • On May 6, we hosted The State of the County Address featuring all three Indiana County com- missioners. The event, which was previously held as a virtual event over the past two years, was held in person in front of a sold-out crowd at the Hilton Garden Inn. The event provided an opportu- nity for the community to submit questions to the commissioners on a variety of topics important to Indiana County residents. • The chamber held its third an - nual Indiana County Chamber Golf Outing with a new month and a new location. The event held on May 26 at the Links at Spring Church saw more than 100 golfers turn out on a beautiful day to kick off the Memorial Day weekend

Mark Hilliard is president of the Indiana County

Chamber of Commerce.

Indiana County READY, an essen- tial skills certification program ad- opted by all seven Indiana County school districts. In spite of some of the educational challenges that exist, the chamber was proud to recognize nearly 250 juniors and


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