The Violet Connection 12

During the month of December, VioletKids “Unwrapped” the truth that God is always with us. Because of God’s greatest gift to us, we have been given a way to have a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. Our December scripture memory verse says, “They will name Him Immanuel...God with us” (Matthew 1:23b). We kicked off the month with our annual Breakfast with Santa community event where many of our VioletKids and volunteers were spotted enjoying the pancake breakfast, visiting Santa, and making special take-home crafts. During our “Christmas at Violet” season, our VioletKids had some fun of their own! We had a PJ Sunday, enjoyed some hot chocolate with a special viewing of the movie, The Three Wise Men. VioletKids participated in our second “Serving Sunday” project this month! Did you know that a local retirement community served at our annual Trunk or Treat event in October by passing out candy? To honor and give back to this senior living facility, our kids created some beautiful canvas artwork that was given to the residents at StoryPoint Retirement Community. The artwork was inspired by our January memory verse that says, “I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken” (Psalm 16:8). VioletKids love to be a part of the mission of our church by loving and serving others around them!

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